Ranma and Akane are sent to a Dojo in Azabu-Juuban to be trained by mister Miyagi in how to teach. At school a Youma attacks and the Sailor Senshi struggle against it when Ranma attacks it, the Senshi see a symbol on her head marking her as Sailor Sun. Ranma reluctantly accepts being a Senshi and helps out but has to quit when Akane gets too worried about Ranma coming back injured. When Akane is kidnapped by the enemy Ranma takes back his Senshi powers and starts a one woman war on the Youma, before jumping through a portal to a hellish place in order to save Akane Ranma and Akane struggle to live hiding in the lifeless caves, living of stolen cardboard tasting melons while waiting for rescue. When the rest of the Senshi arrive they invade the base and kick enemy butt. (Sailor Moon Crossover.)