Hello Again – Benjamin Franz

After cracking his head on the pond Ranma is convinced he’s a girl. For weeks Akane and the fathers tried everything to get her to become a boy, making her nervous and depressed. Finally having enough Genma threatens to disown her but she cant change and runs. Akane chases her and sees Ranma crying, the weeping of a soul beyond […]

HER – Kono Duudu O

Ranma dreams about his cursed form trapped inside a bubble, leading to him and Ryoga discovering that the souls of their cursed forms are within them and they can communicate. The cursed souls want to make love to each other using Ranma’s and Ryoga’s bodies, so they have sex leading to Ranma realizing he should be a girl. Ranma’s fiances […]

Her War – Materia-Blade

Years after Ranma is presumed dead after fighting Herb, the Nerimans had moved on. Akane, shattered by his death ended up falling in love with Mousse and got pregnant. Ryoga fell in love with Shampoo, Genma got a daughter to replace Ranma. They are summoned to become Japans ambassadors to New China, requested by the empress Ruby who had just […]

In Silence – Coengar2

Kodachi catches Ranma by surprise and wraps her razor ribbon around his neck, trying to reel him in. Akane in an act of pure stupidity, drenches Ranma in water causing his neck to shrink and the ribbon to twist. Kodachi jerks and the ribbon cuts through Ranma’s thought. Ranma is now mute, and because she feels safer as a girl, […]

Kikuko – Cloud Dreamer

After the failed wedding Akane sends Ranma flying and breaks his jaw after seeing something he shouldn’t. Dr Tofu cares for Ranma while he is healing. During this time Ranma decides to live as a female named Kikuko and makes some elderly friends who help her on her way. The rest is a secret, but very good.

Kunofication – Ozzallos

Nabiki Notices something off with Kuno and follows him, catching a date between him and Ranma. Ranma had been seeing Kuno for a year and seriously dating for three months after a disastrous day caused Ranma to explode and shout all her troubles to Kuno who sympathized and offered her a safe haven. After a terrible day Ranma uses it […]

Lesbian 1/2 – Donny Cheng

As kids Ranma and Ukyo argue about her being more special because she lacks anything below while everybody else Ranma knows has something there. This warps Ranma’s mind into wanting to become a girl, and he is ecstatic when he falls into a spring and changes. Since she believes girls are superior, she is sexually attracted to them and joins […]

Lets Talk – Imortis

When Akane and Ranma are married, Ranma hadn’t a clue on how to have sex properly and Akane wasn’t telling. Instead she gets revenge on Ranma for hurting her during sex, instead of explaining what’s wrong she ties Ranma Chan up and get Gosinkugi to rape her. Unfortunately Gosinkugi’s family has a curse that makes them week until they get […]