Databank Ranma 1/2 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Zen Based on characters and situations created by Takahashi Rumiko Ranma 1/2 and characters copyright Shogakukan, Kitty Animation Circle, and Takahashi Rumiko. This story copyright 1996 - James A Bateman PART ONE OF SIX *** ### *** "RANMA no baka!" The chant was becoming almost a litany for Tendou Akane as she trained at the dojo. Every kick, every blow, was punctuated with a syllable from her mantra. "Ran-" [[whudd]] "Ma-" [[whudd]] "No-" [[whudd]] "Baka!" [[whudd][whudd]]... Akane was in the courtyard of the dojo proper, using a practice post. The post was simplicity itself - a wooden timber driven into the ground. At any normal dojo, they used four by four timbers for training posts. But this was the Tendou Dojo, and four by fours would have been shattered like match sticks. Fortunately, Nabiki had managed to get her Dad a good deal on a large load of surplus railroad ties - they lasted a little longer than the four by's would have - but not by much. The top half of the post was wound with thick rope to provide a defined target area, and to keep the trainee from injuring her hands on the wood of the post. Sometimes training posts were fitted with dummies stuffed with straw or cotton batting, which made for a more lifelike target, and even allowed for a modicum of personalization. The stuffed dummy that Akane had on hers was sporting a shock of black hair tied into a distinctive ponytail - it seemed somehow appropriate, and it certainly helped her to focus her energy in her attacks. She had worked up a steady rhythm of kicks and punches, and the post was starting to show signs of the strain. With Akane's last attack, the post snapped and flew over the roof of the dojo, carrying her effigy of Ranma with it. She stood for a moment, catching her breath, looking sadly at the splintered stump of the post. Finally, Akane sighed and headed for the house and a warm, relaxing bath. *** ### *** On the veranda opposite the Dojo, Soun and Genma were playing their usual game of Shogi. Except for the earlier sounds of Akane's training, and the subsequent immersion of her training dummy in the fish-pond, the day had been abnormally quiet. Happousai hadn't been seen in days. Nabiki was off somewhere, probably separating some poor fool from as substantial a portion of his money as she could manage, and Kasumi was in the kitchen humming quietly to herself as she prepared the evening meal. Even better, tonight dinner was going to be Kasumi's sukiyaki - All in all, it had been a very pleasant day. "Your move, Saotome-kun" Genma made a show of studying the board, but his mind was really not on the game. On a day like today, he was content just to relax and go through the motions. Everything seemed to be going so well. Ranma and Akane had not fought for more than a week now. Granted, their last fight had been one of the worst in recent memory, but since then Ranma had gone out of his way to avoid starting any arguments with his iinazuke. At least, he had been keeping out of her way lately. Perhaps he was trying to give her time to cool off. Genma saw an opening and moved a piece. Soun looked hard at the board - He and Genma were more or less evenly matched - but both of them were better at cheating than actually playing. Sometimes the games were more to see who could get away with what, rather than a real match. It was a good way to spend quality time. Soun sighed and moved a piece of his own. *** ### *** After a thorough scrubbing, Akane was relaxing in the tub, letting the warmth of the water melt the tension from her. After a while, her thoughts wandered (as they often did, though she would sooner die than admit it) back to her iinazuke. Their last fight had kept her beating up boards and bricks for days. There were times when she wanted nothing more than to knock some sense into that pointed head of his, or some basic courtesy at the very least. The nerve of him! It had started as many of them had, while they were sparring in the dojo. Akane had actually been in a good mood for a change - Kasumi had agreed to help her work through another chapter of their mother's notebook, and Akane was looking forward to it. Where she had made her mistake was in sharing that news with Ranma. Ranma had adopted a horrified expression, and made several rude remarks to the effect that a 'true martial artist' would not resort to bio-toxic weapons. He had then proceeded to tell her in exacting detail what he thought her husband's chances of surviving her cooking were, assuming, of course, that she could find anyone willing to marry someone as kawaikunee as she was. In retrospect, Ranma's reaction had been predictable. He was always making fun of her cooking, always making fun of her attempts to behave like a girl, and then criticizing her for not being more feminine. Akane felt that there was no way for her to win. No matter what she did, Ranma would always make fun of her. Akane knew that her cooking needed work, and she tried so hard. How did he expect her to improve if she didn't try to learn? But no, he wouldn't even give her a chance. It infuriated her - and it was even worse when she found out that he could cook better than she could. Yes, in retrospect, Ranma's reaction had been perfectly predictable. At the time though, it had been more than Akane could stand. "Ranma no Baka!" she had cried, falling back into an all too familiar pattern. She had advanced on him, her attacks driven more by rage than intelligence, she was so angry. Ranma avoided her attacks fairly easily, which did little to improve Akane's temper. "Stand still and take your lumps!" she had shouted. "Akane, don't you get tired of always being so angry?" "Of COURSE I do!" she had replied. "But you never seem to get tired of MAKING me angry! Don't you ever get tired of being such an insensitive jerk?" By now Akane had backed Ranma into a corner of the dojo. Ranma hopped lightly over her as she charged him. "Kawaikunee," he retorted, "You'll have to be a lot faster than that!" He landed behind her with a snicker. Akane whirled to face him once more. "Damned showoff..." she muttered. "I'll show you..." But Ranma didn't even seem to be listening. In fact, he turned his back on her, as if he didn't even consider her to be a threat. That was the last straw. "Oooh, I HATE you!" The brick she threw bounced squarely off the back of his head. Ranma started to pitch forward, dazed. "You can be..." Akane's kick caught him before he could hit the floor, bringing his head back into striking range; "...such an arrogant..." her first backhanded blow rattled Ranma's teeth; "...*bastard*!" she screamed as her second hay maker struck home. Ranma dropped to the floor of the dojo like a sack of rice. "Why don't you just go off and DIE, Ranma!" He never saw the kick coming as she punted him through the doorway and out into the garden. Ranma-chan hadn't regained consciousness until an adventurous koi had tried to swim up her shirt. Akane shifted in the tub. "Ranma," she sighed to herself... "You can be *such* a jerk..." *** ### *** Ranma was sitting at the Uuchan, idly poking at an okonomiyaki. He had eaten a few bites, but for some reason he really wasn't hungry. Finally he just sighed and pushed the plate away. Ukyou noticed the motion from the corner of her eye, and glanced in Ranma's direction. Then she noticed that he had hardly touched his okonomiyaki. That worried her - it was not like Ranma to pass up food, and she had reason to know that okonomiyaki was one of his favourites. She headed over to Ranma's table and took the seat opposite him. Ranma was resting his head in his hands, staring off into space. Ukyou shivered when she saw the expression on his face - it wasn't like him to be this depressed. "Ran-chan?" she asked. "Ran-chan? What's wrong?" Ranma didn't even seem to hear her. "Ran-chan? - You're not still upset about that fight with Akane, are you? That was days ago - I'm sure she's forgotten about it by now..." For a moment the fire was back in Ranma's eyes. "Upset over that Kawaikunee..." he began. "of course not!" - but as he said it, Ukyou watched the fire die and the life just seemed to drain out of him. Ukyou had no idea what to say. For a moment, she felt a flare of anger of her own. Why couldn't Ran-chan see how she felt about him? Why did Akane always have to hurt him so? It just wasn't fair! Another look at Ranma's face, though, and the anger in her faded to be replaced with sympathy. She couldn't stand to see him in such pain. Ukyou looked around the shop. It was the slow part of the afternoon, so she and Ranma had the place to themselves. She got up, walked over to the door, flipped up the 'closed' sign, and turned the lock. She didn't want to be disturbed right now; not when Ranma needed help so badly. She went back to the table and sat down again. "Ranma," she said, "C'mon, Ran-chan - talk to me. You'll feel better, I promise." Ranma did not answer immediately. For a while, she didn't think he was going to say anything, and when he did, it was so softly that she almost missed it. "I'm fine, Ucchan," he sighed... "Just tired, that's all." "Ran-chan - you've never lied to me before; don't start now," said Ukyou. "I know you too well for you to get away with that." Ranma managed a wan smile. "Yes, I guess you do at that," he said. The smiled faded, but did not disappear completely. Ranma looked down at the table for a moment, marshaling his thoughts. "I dunno, I'm just tired of all the mess," he managed at last. "Always fighting with Akane... Things have gotten so confusing. I don't even know who I am anymore at times." Ukyou blinked. "Ran-chan, I know your curse is hard on you, but it really doesn't matter you know. You're still the same person, no matter what gender you happen to be at the time." Ranma smiled weakly again. "Thanks, Ucchan, but that's not really what I meant. Life has just gotten so... *complicated* lately. I have three iinazuke, and if that's not trouble enough, half of the guys in town are out for my blood, and half want to ask me out. Some of these clowns are in *both* groups. I have that psychotic gymnast chasing after me, and if Mom ever finds out why I can't join the swim team, I'll have to commit seppuku." "Complicated begins to sound like an understatement." Ranma nodded miserably. "And I just don't know what to do about it. No matter which way I turn, it seems that someone is mad at me, and I have no idea just how I got into this mess, let alone how I can get out of it." "I think I see," said Ukyou. "Was that what started this last fight with Akane? You've been in the dumps ever since." "To tell you the truth, I don't know." said Ranma. "Whenever Akane and I are together, we're at each other's throats - even when things start off okay, they usually end up with us fighting." He sighed. "I just can't figure her out." Ukyou sighed heavily. "Do you love her, Ran-chan?" "What?!" Sparks flew from Ranma's eyes. "Love HER?" Again, the sparks faded as quickly as they had come. "Honestly? I don't have any idea how I feel about her - I've never really had the chance to find out. Sometimes I think that I'm starting to like her, and then... well, then it all goes to hell and we're fighting again." "But you've fought for her - several times." Ukyou said. "Would you have done that if you didn't care?" "I dunno. In a way, I owe her. When Pop and I first came to the dojo, she was the only one who was nice to me - the only one who didn't seem somehow disappointed." "Really?" asked Ukyou. "Somehow I find that hard to visualize." "I thought that I had told you that story," Ranma said. "When Pop and I first showed up here in Nerima, it was raining. Pop had sent Mr. Tendou a postcard telling him to expect us, and we sort of got caught in the downpour on the way." "So you were a girl at the time." "Yeah, and not too happy about it, either. Y'see this was the first I had ever heard of this whole iinazuke thing. The first I'd heard of *any* of it, if you follow." Ukyou nodded. "I think that I'm starting to, Ran-chan." "Anyway, when we got to the dojo, Mr. Tendou and the girls were waiting for us. At first, Mr. Tendou didn't notice that I was a girl, but it didn't take long for Nabiki to point it out. He fainted." "He certainly seems to be high strung for a martial artist at times," observed Ukyou. "He does at that," agreed Ranma. "It certainly was embarrassing - sitting there as a girl listening to Kasumi trying to console her father, and Nabiki complaining to anyone who would listen that I wasn't what she had hoped for. Akane's was the only friendly face in the whole room." "So what happened?" asked Ukyou. "Well, Akane and I went in to the dojo to spar a bit, while Pop was going to explain things to Mr. Tendou. At the time, Akane was not nearly as good as she is now. She was telegraphing her moves like she was Western Union. After the match, she told me that she was glad that I was a girl. She said that she would have hated to lose to a boy." "Ah. I see. So she didn't take it well when your father explained it, right?" "Sort of. As it happened, she found out about it before any of the others. After Kasumi showed me our room at the dojo, she suggested that I take a bath - at the time, it seemed like a good idea. Akane decided to take a bath too, and since I had been a girl, well, I guess she decided that she didn't need to knock. She walked in on me just as I was getting out of the tub." "Hot water..." giggled Ukyou. Ranma nodded. "Hai. She just backed out and then ran off screaming. By the time I got dressed and came back out, she was threatening to come back and bash me with the table." Ranma shuddered at the memory. "Then Pop explained the curse, and at least Mr. Tendou felt better. After that, all Akane would do was look at me and growl. Like it was my fault or something. It just went down hill from there. Kasumi and Nabiki volunteered Akane as my iinazuke, and *she* accused *me* of peeping on *her* - and it was more than I could stand - that was the moment the whole 'kawaii/kawaikunee' thing came up, and it's been a sticking point ever since." "So what happened then?" "She bashed me with the table after all - after which I accidentally walked in on *her* in the bath - so she slapped me. Since then, it's been fight, fight, fight... and it never seems to end." "I see," said Ukyou. "So you feel obligated to her because she was nice to you when she thought you were a girl. Never mind that she hasn't been very nice to you since." "Basically," agreed Ranma, "But there's more to it than that, I think. Dr. Tofu once told me that Akane was a very sweet and caring girl. At the time, well, let's just say that I wasn't exactly convinced. But there are times, rare times, when I think I see a little of what he meant - little flashes of kindness, and in those instants, she really is cute." "So you *do* love her then." "No! ... I mean yes! ... I mean no! ... Oh, hell, I don't know. I'm not even sure I know what love is - or if it matters." Ranma sighed. "If it matters?" asked Ukyou, "What do you mean by that? Don't you think you ought to love the person you're going to marry?" "Yeah, I guess so, but who am I going to marry? Akane is only *one* of the iinazuke Pop set me up with! There's Shampoo, and also..." Ranma's voice died away as he turned red. "...and there's also me." Ukyou finished for him. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to give you any objective advice on that one, Ran- chan." She smiled at him a little sadly. "I'm sorry, Ucchan... I... I never wanted to hurt you. You're the one person that I *know* I can count on." Ranma looked down at the table. "I guess I'd better go..." Ranma stood and headed for the door. As he turned the lock to open it, he paused, and turned back to Ukyou. "Ucchan... Thanks. I'm glad you're here." And he was gone. Ukyou sat staring after him for a long time, trying very hard not to cry. Finally she stood up. "You're welcome, my love." she said softly. *** ### *** Ranma wandered slowly along the streets of Nerima, not really caring where he was going. he thought to himself. A short distance away, Kunou Tatewaki watched as his hated rival (for the affections of *both* of his beloved, no less) walked by, as if in a daze. He smiled to himself. "Saotome, your inattention will be your downfall. The time for divine retribution has come!" With that, Kunou charged towards Ranma, his bokken swinging to attack. Ranma, for his part, never even really noticed Kunou's attack above a sub-conscious level. As Kunou got close enough, Ranma absently grabbed the end of his bokken, and with a deft twist, pulled Kunou forward - launching him into an arc that terminated - quite solidly - against the wall of a nearby building. Kunou slid quietly to the ground. "Bug off, Kunou," Ranma muttered to his unconscious attacker, "I have a lot on my mind right now..." *** ### *** Back at the Tendou Dojo, it was approaching the dinner hour. Nabiki had come in an hour or so earlier, counting a wad of bills. She had been in her room since, the only evidence of her presence being the occasional volley of clicking from the keyboard of her computer. Soun and Genma were in the midst of yet another game of Shogi while Kasumi set the table and made her final dinner preparations. Akane had finished her bath and was relaxing with one of her favourite manga - a story about a young college student who falls in love with his apartment manager, and all of their peculiar friends and acquaintances. The college student and the manager were forever victims of silly misunderstandings, but there seemed to be hope that it might all work out in the end. Perhaps that was why she liked it - as bad as things got, there still seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Akane thought to herself. *** ### *** Ranma was still wandering on a course that would eventually take him back by the dojo, but he was in no particular hurry. Dinner would not be for another hour or so, and he had no desire to run into Akane just yet. The last thing he felt like doing was getting involved in another fight with that kawaikunee tomboy. His head still throbbed a bit when he thought about that *last* fight they'd had. Besides, Akane had been getting more and more upset with him over things that just weren't his fault. HE wasn't to blame for some stupid Amazon law. It wasn't HIS fault that his father kept selling him for a meal... It wasn't his fault that some psychotic bimbo had taken a liking to him. Ranma shuddered at the thought of Kodachi. Ranma kicked at a pebble on the sidewalk. "Stupid Akane. Why does she have to be so violent?" he asked of no one in particular. "She never seems interested in hearing my side of it. Whatever's going on, it just has to be my fault. Why does she always blame ME?" In fairness, Ranma had to admit that he needed to be a lot nicer to Akane. He knew that he teased her too much. He knew that she was trying to improve her domestic skills, but he just could not resist the openings she left him. Akane could be such a contradiction at times - tough but vulnerable, graceful and clumsy, self-confident yet plagued by self-doubt. It made her so difficult to understand. Somehow, he always managed to say just the wrong thing. Just when he thought they might actually have a chance of getting along, he said or did something that set her off again, and her smile would disappear in a shower of sparks. It really was too bad. She was so cute when she smiled - Ranma wished that she'd smile more often. Down the street, a little black piglet wandered into the middle of the road, looking lost. Ranma sighed to himself thinking about Akane. A car screeched to a halt as its driver slammed on his brakes in an effort to miss the pig. Ranma, hearing the noise, looked down the street. A Mishima Heavy Industries delivery van, moving at a high rate of speed, swerved to miss the stalled car ahead of it. Ranma looked up and saw Akane, as if she were smiling at him; eyes as bright as head lamps, forehead smooth as a windscreen, a flashing smile like the glint of the setting sun from the polished chrome of a bumper. A sad little smile crossed his face as the delivery truck slammed into him, still doing well over 125 kph. The truck did not carry Ranma far; a building brought both of them to a complete and abrupt stop. As the smoke cleared, people could see the body of a young man pinned between the wreckage of the truck and the remains of the wall. The bright red of his Chinese style shirt was awash with the darker red of his blood. Within moments, an emergency crew had arrived and paramedics were fighting desperately to free Ranma or his remains from the wreckage. As the truck was pulled away from the shattered remnants of the wall, rescue workers were astonished to hear a still semi-conscious Ranma muttering weakly... "No... Akane... Don't..." Ranma coughed, and blood welled up. "A... ka... ne..." Ranma's awareness faded completely and his breathing came to a stop. "Medic! - Stat!" one of the workers called. *** ### *** Kasumi was just clearing the dishes from dinner at the Tendou Dojo. The rest of the family was still sitting around the table thinking contented thoughts. "Ahh, Kasumi, your sukiyaki is without equal," Genma enthused. "Truly a delight for the palate." Kasumi smiled. "Why thank you Mr. Saotome," she said. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I hope that you all saved some for Ranma." "Ranma?" Genma looked startled. "Why, yes." Kasumi said, gesturing at the clean bowls sitting at Ranma's place on the table. "He hasn't gotten home yet." Akane looked at the empty place at the table. Kasumi was right, Ranma had not been there - his bowl was as clean as it had been when it had come from the cupboard. "That's odd," Genma said. "It's not like Ranma to miss a meal." "Maybe he's at the Nekohanten, or the Uuchan," said Akane, her voice acid. Genma considered this. "Possible, but I don't think that he would pass up Kasumi's sukiyaki for that," he said. "He'll turn up, Saotome-kun," said Soun. "After all, Akane's here, right?" "Right you are, Tendou-kun." Genma agreed. Akane just glowered. *** ### *** By ten o'clock that night, Ranma still had not returned to the dojo, and people were starting to get concerned. Kasumi called Ranma's friends to see if any of them had seen him lately. The only affirmative answers she got were from Ukyou, who said that he had left her shop a little after four that afternoon, and Kunou, who could not say when he had seen him last, just that the foul cur Saotome must surely have fled to avoid his (Kunou's) wrath. No one answered at the Nekohanten. When Akane heard her sister's report, she was furious. "That jerk!" she said. "I'll bet he's out with Shampoo! And here we were worrying about him!" Nabiki came into the room in time to hear Akane's comment. "I don't think so, sis." She said. "Shampoo was by here a couple of hours ago looking for Ranma. I told her that we hadn't seen him since before breakfast." Akane cooled a bit when she heard that, but she was still miffed. "So where would he be, then?" she asked. About that time, there was a knock on the door. Nabiki went to greet their visitor, while Akane sat fuming. A moment later Nabiki came back, followed by Dr. Tofu. Kasumi came in from the kitchen with a tray of things for tea. "Konbonwa, Dr. Tofu!" she said cheerfully. "How nice of you to drop by!" Warning bells began ringing in the back of Akane's mind. There was something very wrong here. Kasumi had just walked in, and Dr. Tofu had barely noticed. "Konbonwa, Kasumi-san," Tofu answered. "Is Mr. Saotome here?" Kasumi looked mildly puzzled. "I think he's on the veranda with Father. Shall I go see?" "Please," said Dr. Tofu. Kasumi set down her tray, and left to find Genma and Soun. Akane felt herself going cold. Her subconscious put two and two together, and got a very messy four. "Tofu-sensei," she said. Dr. Tofu looked toward her, and Akane saw the pain in his eyes. "What's happened?" she asked. "Where's Ranma?" Dr. Tofu looked at the floor, and Akane felt her heart in her throat. "Oh no... - he's all right, isn't he? Something terrible has happened, hasn't it?" Kasumi returned followed by Genma and Soun. "Here they are, Dr. Tofu," she said. Then she noticed the doctor's expression, and that her sister was white as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. "Oh, my," she said. "Is there something wrong?" Dr. Tofu took a deep breath and looked at the members of the Tendou family, and finally at Genma and Akane. "Some..." he started, "Sometime this afternoon, Ranma was struck by a speeding delivery truck a few kilometers from here. He was crushed between the truck and a building. He's still in surgery at Nerima Medical Centre. The outlook..." his voice started to break, "the outlook is not good." The others stared at Dr. Tofu in shock. "My son..." said Genma, and sat down heavily. "Oh, dear," said Kasumi. She looked stricken. Akane just stood there, staring at Dr. Tofu, willing the nightmare to end, wanting to wake up and find that it was all a bad dream, but knowing better. Dr. Tofu was not given to cruel jokes, and only the gravest of emergencies could keep him sober when Kasumi was around. Soun was in tears, babbling incoherently. Genma looked up at Dr. Tofu. "My son..." he said again. "Will... will he live?" "They don't know," said Dr. Tofu quietly. "He's been in surgery for over four hours now. That he has lived this long is no minor miracle." *** ### *** The door to Akane's room exploded off its hinges as Akane ran to her bed, blinded by tears. She buried her face in her pillow as great sobs wracked her, making her shake uncontrollably. She didn't know how long she lay there, but she cried until the shaking lessened, and she was able to regain some minor amount of control. She sat there, alone in the dark, crying quietly into her pillow. "Oh, Ranma," she sobbed. "You jerk! Why'd you have to go and get hurt? Why?" It was some time before Akane noticed the silhouette in what remained of her doorway. When she did, Kasumi came the rest of the way into the room, and sat down on the bed next to her. Kasumi put her arms around her sobbing sister and held her, making soft shushing noises. "Why, Kasumi? How could Ranma get hit by a truck, of all things?" Akane cried. "They don't know the whole story yet," Kasumi said. "Apparently, a car stopped suddenly, and the truck swerved to avoid the car. Then it hit Ranma, and the building." "I still can't believe it." Akane sniffled loudly. "I keep hoping that I'll wake up and this will all have been some kind of terrible dream. Oh, Kasumi, what'll I do if... if... what'll I do if he *dies*?" Kasumi held her sister as she cried, rocking gently. Finally, Akane's shaking stopped, and, after a time, sleep claimed her. Once she had been asleep for a while, Kasumi tucked her into her bed and quietly left the room. *** ### *** Downstairs, a tense group of people was growing ever larger as more people learned of Ranma's fate. Ukyou had been the first to arrive. She had called to find out if Ranma had gotten home yet, and had gotten Dr. Tofu. Once she had the story, she was there within minutes. She looked as if she had been crying, and was trying hard to stay in control. Shampoo sat in a corner weeping quietly, while Mousse sat nearby, longing to be able to comfort her. As much as he hated Ranma for stealing his darling Shampoo, he too hoped that Ranma would live, if only so he could see Shampoo smile again. Cologne sat quietly, still as a statue, lost in thought. Finally, she stood up and went to spell... err... relieve Kasumi in the kitchen. Kasumi then joined Dr. Tofu in his vigil by the phone, talking quietly to him, and occasionally crying softly. For once, Tofu found that he was able to just hold her, and offer her the comfort she needed. He just wished that the price for his sanity wasn't so high. *** ### *** News of Ranma's accident spread quickly as Nabiki made sure that everyone in the Nerima district knew the latest developments. Naturally these bulletins did not come free. Even as she worried about Ranma, as deep in her heart she did, Nabiki retained enough presence of mind to milk the situation for every single yen that the market would bear. Kunou's first reaction to the news had been a surge of elation. "The vengeance of heaven is slow, but sure," he told himself. "Surely the Gods themselves have struck down the evil Saotome." Immediately he began to plan his campaign to console the grieving Tendou Akane, and his beloved Pig-tailed Girl. Kunou Kodachi, on the other hand, had taken the news with somewhat less aplomb. To put it more succinctly, she freaked. Within hours, the Tendou Dojo, Furinkan High, and the Nerima Medical Centre were hip deep in bouquets of black roses. When the doctors refused her admittance to the OR where Ranma was still in surgery, she took it ill, and they threatened to lock her in the Saeko Ward. Upon hearing of Ranma's accident, Gosunkugi Hikaru found himself in something of a quandary. Here he had been granted one of his most ardent wishes, the seeming removal of Saotome Ranma, which meant he had one less rival for Tendou Akane. Not that it really mattered, he thought glumly. Akane would never look twice at him no matter how many of her suitors were eliminated. When he heard about Akane's reaction to the accident, Hikaru decided that he had a lot of thinking to do. He was not a fundamentally unkind person; he genuinely cared for Akane and did not like to think of her being unhappy. When he realized how much Ranma's death would hurt her, he was deeply ashamed of a lot of the things he had wished for. For the first time in his life, Hikaru found himself praying just as ardently for his hated rival's recovery. Hours later, had anyone thought to look through the ashcans behind the Gosunkugi household, they might have found a number of small dolls with black pigtails, various sharp implements, and a toy truck. *** ### *** END PART ONE OF SIX PART TWO OF SIX *** ### *** The next morning, would-be customers found there was a sign on the Uuchan that read "Closed until Further Notice." The proprietor of that establishment was still at the Tendou Dojo, waiting for further news of Ranma's condition. Akane, after a troubled night's sleep, was coming down the stairs when the silence of the morning was shattered by the strident ring of the telephone. Akane was over the rail and had the receiver to her ear before there was time for a second ring. "Moshi moshi," she said, "Tendou Dojo." There was a brief pause while she listened to the person on the other end of the line. "Hai. I'll get him for you - please hold on for a second." Akane found Dr. Tofu dozing by the extension phone, and Kasumi cuddled beside him, her head pillowed on his lap. She smiled sadly to herself, wishing that she didn't have to awaken them. By the time Dr. Tofu was off the phone, Akane had everyone else gathered, waiting to hear the latest news. Dr. Tofu looked around the sea of anxious faces. He took a deep breath and told them what he had learned. "Ranma... Ranma is out of surgery..." he began. A wave of relieved sighs greeted this pronouncement, but Tofu held up his hand. "However," he continued, "he has not regained consciousness; he is in a deep coma." "But he made it, he's going to be OK, right?" Akane looked so hopeful, Dr. Tofu hated what he had to say next. "They don't know. Several of his ribs were broken and the internal damage was very bad. Only Ranma's superb physical condition and his innate tenacity kept him alive long enough for them to get him into surgery. He has made it past the first hurdle, but that is all they can say." Akane was crestfallen. "What does that mean?" "Akane," said Dr. Tofu gently, "I'm sorry. They just don't know. He could wake up tomorrow, he could wake up in a month, or he might never wake up at all. There is just no way to tell." "I see," said Akane quietly. Dr. Tofu continued, "They will be moving Ranma to a private room in the Post Op later this morning. He'll be allowed visitors in a couple of days. At this point, it is as much a matter of time as anything else." *** ### *** When the orderlies wheeled Ranma into his room in the hospital, Kuonji Ukyou was there waiting for them. At first, the nurse in charge seemed reluctant to allow her presence, but she explained patiently that she was Ran-chan's iinazuke and that there was no force they could muster that could keep her away from his side. Between her persuasive charm, her bandoleer of rather sharp throwing spatulas, and the obvious pain in her eyes, she convinced the nurse that it would be better if she were allowed to stay. Once she was convinced that Ukyou's driving interest was in the patient's swift recovery, the Head Nurse of the Post Op Ward did everything she could to help make Ukyou more comfortable. She even went so far as to have a couple of well padded chairs placed in the room, and a small futon in the closet, so Ukyou would have a place to catch a nap when she needed it. She commented several times on how fortunate the patient was to have such a devoted iinazuke. Ukyou's only response to that remark was to nod her thanks and smile a little sadly. Before long, Ranma and all of his support monitors were installed in the room, and a kind orderly had taken the time to explain to Ukyou what each instrument did, and what to watch out for, so she could call the doctors, if needed. The array of equipment was impressive, and reminded Ukyou of all of the blinking lights and instruments from the sickbay aboard the starship from that American SF show that had such a following. She wished that they really did have that level of medical technology. Ukyou pulled one of the chairs closer to Ran-chan's bed, and eased into it. It was going to be a long wait. Fortunately, she had *lots* of books. *** ### *** Two days later, Genma was downstairs talking to the Doctors. They had little more to tell him than Dr. Tofu had, which, all in all, was not much. "Rest assured, Mr. Saotome," the Doctor was saying, "Ranma is in the best of hands. This is one of the most advanced facilities in the world today, and the staff is all first rate." "You said 'one of the most advanced'," Genma said. "Is there a better place for Ranma to be?" "Mr. Saotome, the only facility more advanced than this one is in Graviton City, and they can do nothing for this type on injury that we cannot. Your son is receiving the very best of care." Genma nodded. "Arigatou, sensei. Tell me, how is my son doing? When will he wake up?" The doctor looked uncomfortable. "Saotome-san... Genma... your son is one of the finest physical specimens that I have ever seen. He has made it through the surgery, and that is a good sign - it was no small feat. But the bottom line is that all we can do now is wait, and pray. It is up to Ranma. We've repaired the physical damage. If he has the strength; if he has the will, then he will probably live. If he does not, then no force on Earth can save him." Genma nodded his thanks again, and walked over to where Soun was sitting and sobbing. He sat down next to his longtime friend. "Saotome-kun, what are we going to do?" Soun wailed. "If Ranma dies, who will carry on our legacy? Who will care for Akane?" Genma shook his head. "I don't know, Tendou-kun. I don't know." "And," continued Soun, "Who will tell Nodoka-san?" While Genma and her father renewed their prayers for Ranma's recovery, Akane approached the doctor. "Sensei," she asked, "When can I see Ranma?" The doctor looked at Akane and smiled. "I suppose you can see him just about any time. Just knock on the door to his room, and his iinazuke will let you in." Whatever reaction the doctor had expected from Akane, the explosion he got was *not* it. "Iinazuke?" she shrieked. "WHAT are you *talking* about? I'M his iinazuke!" "You are? But I thought that... Miss Kuonji said... She's been with him for the last two days. She's never left his side." Akane's shout had brought Genma running. The badly flustered doctor turned to him for some measure of sanity. Big mistake. "Mr. Saotome," he asked, "can you explain this?" "Uncle Saotome," Akane began, "Tell him! Tell him that Ranma is MY iinazuke! Not Ukyou's!" Genma looked from the doctor to Akane and back again. "Well, it's like this..." he started. The doctor held up his hand. "Please," he said, "Just tell me which of these young ladies is iinazuke to my patient." Genma looked uncomfortable. "Well, actually..." he cringed at Akane's expression, "actually, both of them are." he finished with a sigh. The doctor was incredulous. "Are you telling me that Ranma has TWO iinazuke?" "Of course not!" said Genma. "That would be silly." "It would." agreed the doctor, waiting. "Ahh... umm... actually... he has three," said Genma, staring at the floor once more. "Three!?! Mr. Saotome, tell me. Had Ranma's behaviour prior to the accident been in any way... unusual?" The question caught Genma off guard. "I don't think so; why do you ask?" The doctor glanced at Akane, who had been following the exchange with interest, and a worried expression. "Mr. Saotome, there is someone that I would like for you to talk to." He turned to Akane. "You may go up to Ranma's room, if you wish. Just remember, he needs the support of all the people who love him." "Hai, sensei. Arigatou." said Akane. She watched as the doctor led a confused looking Genma off toward the office wing. *** ### *** Tendou Akane hesitated outside the door to Ranma's room. Ukyou was in there, and it made Akane mad. What gave her the right to have been with him while the rest of them had to wait for two days? They had just let her in because she had claimed to be his iinazuke. she thought angrily. Then another thought struck her. She shook her head and sighed. Akane entered the room as quietly as she could. Ranma lay in his bed, tubes and wires running from his battered body to the complex of medical equipment humming efficiently behind it. Kuonji Ukyou was curled up in a chair with a copy of "Tsuki Aijin Kibishii Desu." She had been reading it to Ranma. She looked up as Akane closed the door behind her. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence as the two girls looked at each other. Finally, Akane's gaze dropped to the floor. "How is he doing?" she managed to ask. "His condition hasn't changed since he was brought in," replied Ukyou. Akane flinched at that remark, then she let her temper get the better of her. "Speaking of that, just what are you doing in here, anyway? Ukyou looked at Akane coldly. "I'm Ran-chan's iinazuke," she said simply. "It is my duty, and my right to be here." Akane bristled. "I'M his iinazuke," she spat. "Not you." Ukyou raised an eyebrow. "Really? This is the first time I've heard *you* make that claim. Do you love him then?" "You know perfectly well that Ranma's dad and mine had..." "I don't give a *damn* about that," Ukyou hissed. "I'm the one who loves him. YOU... *you* are the one who told him to go off and die. Are you happy now? Are you?!" Akane felt as if she had just been slammed in the gut. The fragile control she held over her emotions was shattered, and she fell to her knees with a sob. Ukyou watched Akane, and immediately regretted her words. She dropped her book and went to kneel by Akane's side. "Gomen nasai, Akane-san," she said softly. "I shouldn't have said those things. Please, come over here and sit down." She led Akane gently over towards the other chair, and eased her down into it. She reached out to comfort the sobbing girl. she thought to herself. Ukyou smiled sadly. Ukyou procured a cup, and poured some hot tea from a thermos bottle. She passed the cup to Akane, who took it gratefully. Akane took a sip and let the tea chase the chill from her body. She looked at Ukyou from tear swollen eyes. "How..." she faltered as another sob threatened to overwhelm her. She fought for control. "Who... who told you that I said that?" "Ran-chan did, of course. We talk all the time. There are very few secrets between us." "It's true, you know. I *did* say that, but... he... you have to know that... I never meant it like this!" Ukyou's expression softened. "I know," she said. "And Ranma does too." Akane sighed. "I wish he would talk to *me* more." "Funny," said Ukyou, as she poured herself a cup of tea, "He was saying the same thing about you just the other day." *** ### *** Ranma-chan came to in a blinding flash of pain. Every part of her body hurt, and her chest felt like it was on fire. She shook her head to get rid of the haze and immediately wished she hadn't. she thought to herself. (As it happens, someone *did*, but Ranma's question at this point was of a more rhetorical nature.) "Where am I?" she asked as the world around her slowly started to come into focus. As she looked around, the short answer appeared to be "in deep trouble." Ranma-chan was sitting on a ledge that jutted between three and five meters out from a sheer cliff. The cliff face itself was fairly smooth, with occasional breaks or protrusions but little other surface detail. She looked up. The ledge she was on seemed to be around a hundred meters from the top of the cliff. On the downside was a drop that appeared bottomless - it had to be well over a thousand meters; it may have been ten times that. In either direction was the occasional line that might, or might not, be another ledge. Experimentally, she tossed a stone over the edge, and watched as it fell. It vanished into the distance far below. She never did hear it strike bottom. "This is cute," Ranma-chan said to herself. "I wonder how I got here? Come to that, I wonder where *here* is." She looked down at herself. "And when did I get wet?" Ranma-chan slid painfully across the ledge until her back was against the cliff face. It hurt like hell, but nothing seemed to be broken. She turned her attention once more to the landscape. There was plenty of light, but she could not see the sun. The sky was a peculiar shade of dark blue, and there were no stars to be seen. Occasional flashes of colour rippled through the sky in the distance, like some hentai aurora. Below was just inky blackness. She couldn't even make out the horizon with any degree of reliability. she thought glumly. Ranma-chan got slowly and painfully to her feet. She peered along the ledge to either side, but could see nothing. Picking a direction at random, she started walking, hugging the cliff face. Before long, she came to the end of the line - the ledge disappeared into the rock face once more, leaving just the kilometer-plus drop. "Well, *that* won't work," she muttered. She turned and went back the way she had come. *** ### *** It was late that night when Akane got back to the Dojo. She really felt guilty for coming home at all; Ukyou was still with Ranma, and she felt that she should have been there too. However, she had not gone to the Medical Centre with a long stay in mind, so if nothing else, she would have had to come home for clothes and things. She planned to go back the next morning with a view toward staying for days at a time. Akane wished that she could be more like Ukyou. She envied Ukyou her confidence. Ukyou was not afraid to let a person know how she really felt. Hell, she just envied Ukyou her certainty about her feelings towards Ranma. If only she could be as sure how she felt. One way or another, anything would be better than the confusion that had ruled her life since Ranma's arrival. she corrected herself. Despite the lateness of the hour, Akane did not feel like going to sleep. She was still keyed up from the events of the afternoon, and the emotional roller coaster ride she had been on for the past few hours. Instead of her pajamas, she changed her clothes for her gi and headed for the dojo to partake of her favourite form of relaxation - reducing perfectly usable building materials to piles of rubble. Upon entering the training hall, however, Akane found that she was not alone. Saotome Genma was sitting quietly against one wall, apparently lost in meditation. Akane, not wishing to disturb him, began to back out of the hall as quietly as possible. Before she could leave, Genma spoke. "Please, Akane. Do not leave." Akane froze in her tracks. "Gomen nasai, Mr. Saotome. I didn't wish to intrude..." "You are not intruding, Akane. Please, come in. I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind." Akane walked in and sat down next to Ranma's father. There was a long moment of silence which Genma finally broke. "Akane, please tell me. Had you noticed anything unusual in Ranma's behaviour prior to the accident?" "Unusual?" Akane asked. "I'm not really sure..." "Please. Think hard." Akane wasn't sure what to think. "Nothing really unusual, no, unless you count a whole week with no real fights. But then, I hardly saw him during that week, so I don't suppose that counts. Why are you asking?" Genma sighed heavily. He hated to add to Akane's misery, but for once in his life, he decided that honesty was the best approach. "The doctors are concerned - if the accident report was accurate, then Ranma should have been able to avoid it. He didn't." "What are you trying to say, Mr. Saotome?" "The woman who was driving the truck said that Ranma was looking right at her, and he made no effort to avoid being struck. She does not think that Ranma *wanted* to get out of the way. The doctors are worried that if that is true, then Ranma may not have the will to come out of his coma. If that is the case, then Ranma will die." Akane was shocked. "You mean... you mean that they think Ranma *wanted* to die? That he... NO! I can't believe that Ranma would want to... I can't accept that! It's not true!" Genma looked stricken. "I only pray that you are right, Akane-chan. I only pray that you are right." *** ### *** Ranma-chan sat down, and tried to come up with a plan of action. The other direction had been no more help than the first. Instead of petering out this time, the ledge had ended abruptly, again leaving nothing but a drop of more than a klick. Furthermore, she had started to notice a number of things about the environment that just didn't add up. For example, there was no wind. On a ledge like this there ought to have been one hellaceous crosswind - at least there had been in every movie she had ever seen. Here, there wasn't even a breeze. In fact, aside from her own voice and footsteps, there was no sound at all. The stillness was eerie. Ranma-chan shuddered. Where *was* she? This looked like no place on Earth. she thought. She discarded that idea in short order. It wasn't that she had trouble with the idea of alien abductions, or space travel (her favourite manga were full of such things), it was just that her surroundings were more surreal than real. Yes, that was it. Nothing around her seemed to be real. "Computer," she said. "Exit." Nothing happened. "Computer... end program." Still nothing. Ranma-chan shrugged. It had been worth a try. She looked down again. The drop looked real enough; real enough that she felt disinclined to test it. She had the definite impression that Down was a Bad Thing. Another thought drifted across her mind. Again the idea was discarded after brief consideration. she thought, She was by no means absolutely sure of her reasoning, but it felt right. She didn't feel dead. Having resolved that to her satisfaction, she was still left with the mystery of where she was, and how she was going to go about not being there anymore. She couldn't go to either side, and Down was a Bad Thing. That left Up. She looked toward the top of the cliff and swallowed hard. she thought. She sighed and started looking for handholds. *** ### *** Akane sat on her bed, her knees drawn up under her chin, thinking. The very idea of Ranma's wanting to die was ridiculous. Wasn't it? She simply couldn't imagine it. But Ranma's ability to sense and avoid danger was almost legendary. Surely if he could avoid all the sneak attacks, he could have avoided something like a delivery truck. Was it true? Had Ranma really wanted to get hit? Ranma *had* been acting a little strangely lately... He had been unusually quiet - oddly distracted. In retrospect, it seemed like he had been going out of his way not to say anything mean to her. In fact, it was like he had been trying to avoid saying anything at all to her. Whenever a fight had appeared imminent, *Ranma* had actually paused, in mid-insult, and just walked away. At the time, it had infuriated her. Now, it terrified her. Not only that, he had been avoiding fights with everyone else, too. When a fight could not be avoided, he ended it uncommonly quickly - as if he had no interest in what was going on. It was as if he were a million miles away, his body fighting on remote control. All in all, it was behaviour that was certainly unlike what she had come to expect from the Ranma she knew, and in light of Mr. Saotome's questions, it was starting to scare her. She got a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach every time she thought about it. She remembered enough from her psychology class at school to know that sudden changes in behaviour could mean trouble, but she still had a hard time with the concept of Ranma taking his own life. she thought, He had been that way ever since their last fight. Ever since the afternoon that she had shouted for what must have been the ten thousandth time that he ought to just go off and die. she thought miserably. Once more, Akane cried herself to sleep. *** ### *** Ranma-chan was about twenty meters above the ledge where she had wakened. Twice already she had made this climb, only to have one of her handholds give way and send her crashing back down onto the ledge from which she had come. The second time, she had almost kept going. Ranma-chan paused to catch her breath as she studied the cliff face. Another five meters or so above her was a line that she was pretty sure meant another ledge. Once she got there, she could rest a bit before the next leg of her climb. But it was not going to be easy. Real or not, in this place the laws of physics still seemed to apply. Her bruised posterior was ample evidence of that. The damned ledge was *hard*. *** ### *** Ukyou had spent a restless night after Akane left. She knew that deep down, Akane cared for Ranma, and vice versa. She could appreciate the irony of a relationship where two people cared about each other but would admit it to no one, least of all themselves. It made her so mad sometimes to see the way that Akane treated Ran- chan. Why couldn't she just be a little more patient with him? She was under no illusions about Ranma - she knew that he made it hard on Akane. She knew that he could be stubborn beyond belief. She knew that he could be thoughtless, even cruel when he was angry. After all, she *had* known him longer that just about anyone else; and certainly longer than either of his other two iinazuke. But she also knew him for what he was - a loving person who valued his friends, and would do anything to help them, anything to protect them. She knew how it tore at him when he knew that he had said something to hurt Akane, or Shampoo, or her, and how he struggled to swallow his pride and apologize; a struggle he all too often lost. She had seen the hurt in his eyes after a fight with Akane, and she knew how deep that hurt could go, though Ranma would sooner die than admit it. She just loved him all the more for it. Ever since she and Ranma had been little, his wife was what she had most wanted to be. Ukyou smiled tenderly at Ranma, and thought back to happier, simpler times, when she and Ranma had been small children, and Ranma had come every day for the special okonomiyaki that she would always prepare for him. She basked briefly in the warmth of the memory. Of course, those times had not stayed happy. Her father had known how she felt about Ranma, and had taken steps to see that her wish was granted. She remembered the day that her father had offered his yattai as bridegift for the marriage. She remembered how happy she had been when her father had told her that Mr. Saotome had accepted his offer. It seemed as if all her dreams were to come true after all. She remembered too, the crushing agony of the day that she awoke to find Mr. Saotome and Ranma leaving with her father's yattai, but without her. She had felt so betrayed that she had resolved never to love another person, and for years, she had not. She had even given up on being a girl. Instead, she had honed her martial arts skills in the hope that one day, she might have her revenge on those who had betrayed and abandoned her. Finally, after ten years, she had tracked them down - Tracked them down only to find that Ranma had had no part in abandoning her - that Ranma had never been told that she was to have been his wife - that Ranma had never even known that she was a girl, and that his only memories of her were memories of his best friend, whom he had been so sad to leave. She chuckled when she thought about that day - She had been so sure that Ranma had thrown her away, just as his father had. She had seen Ranma's horrified reactions to his father's confession, and at first, she had thought it was an act. She would have her revenge. She had challenged him to a duel, a duel that she probably would have lost, had it come to that. When the fight had begun, there were a couple of times she was sure she was going to win, but Ranma was just too slippery. To make matters more confusing, he hadn't seemed to be able to take her challenge seriously. It had puzzled her at the time - how could he act as though they were still friends? It had hit her then, that he had never stopped caring for her. And when he had called her cute, the hard lump in her heart had melted, and she knew that she still loved him, now more than ever. She remembered his shock when her shirt had been ripped during the fight, and he had realized that she was a girl. She remembered being puzzled at his reaction - why had he dumped hot water on her? The answer to *that* question had come later, along with stories of how he had been engaged to Akane, and how he had gotten mixed up with the princess of the Joketsuzoku Amazons. Ran-chan had been right, his life *had* gotten awfully complicated. But the things that had made Ranma the person she had loved had only grown stronger over the years. He had his flaws, to be sure, but they were minor by comparison. And now it looked like she might lose him again. But this time, she would fight. She was not going to let Ranma be taken from her easily. When sleep finally came, Ukyou's dreams were filled with images of Ran-chan, alive and well. Right now that dream was more important to her than any other. *** ### *** END PART TWO OF SIX PART THREE OF SIX *** ### *** When Akane awoke the next morning, the sun was bright in the sky, the birds were singing, and the air was fresh and crisp. Akane had no appreciation for any of it. Her mood was as black as it had been the night before. She still could not make herself believe that there was anything deliberate about Ranma's accident. Despite his odd behaviour, it was just too unlike him to take the coward's way out. Ranma was a jerk a lot of the time, her friend some of the time, her confidant on rare occasions, and her protector always. Never a coward. Still, there existed that nagging little doubt - just enough to be unsettling. Akane got up and started to pack her things for a protracted stay at the Nerima Medical Centre. As she turned back to her pack with an armload of clothes, she found Happousai sitting in the pack, fondling her undergarments. Something snapped, and a deadly silence descended upon the room. When he saw that he had been caught in the act, as it were, Happousai leapt for Akane, intent on grabbing a quick grope. As usual, Akane blocked his approach and slammed the old lecher to the floor. This time, however, she followed up with a rabbit punch to the throat that left Happousai gasping for breath, and a warning. "Touch me again, you diseased little toad, and I will *kill* you." she hissed. Happousai was shocked at the icy fury in Akane's voice. There was no doubt in his mind that she meant every word. He just couldn't understand what had come over the normally angry but basically sweet baby of the Tendou clan. Seeing the expression on her face, he wasn't inclined to argue, either. Instead, he invoked the Saotome Ultimate Technique - he ran away. After Happousai was gone, it took Akane a few moments to cool down to the point where she trusted herself to be around other people. The old man had just picked the *wrong* time to mess with her. Once she had calmed a bit, she finished her packing, and took her bag downstairs. Kasumi had breakfast just about ready. *** ### *** Akane was on her way back to the Medical Centre when she heard someone calling her name. "Tendou Akane," said the voice. "A moment if you please. Wilst thou hold?" Even if she hadn't recognized the voice, there was only one person in all of Nerima, perhaps even all of Japan, that talked that way. Akane rolled her eyes, and replied in an exasperated tone. "What do you want, Kunou? I really don't have time for this right now." "I shall take but a moment of your time, dear Akane," said Kunou. "I come to offer my condolences in your time of sorrow..." That caught Akane by surprise. "Condolences," she said. "Are you feeling all right?" She turned to face him. Kunou stood there, his expression somber, his bokken at his side, and two large bouquets of red roses in his hands. He handed one of the bouquets to Akane. "Please accept this simple token of my sympathy for your loss," he said. Akane's expression darkened. "What do you mean, my loss? Ranma isn't dead yet, you know." (She fervently hoped that this was true) Kunou shook his head and sighed. "The net of heaven is a coarse mesh, but none escape its grasp. It is but a matter of time. Now tell me, whither the Pig-tailed Girl? I would deliver these (he indicated the remaining bouquet) unto her." "So sure of Ranma's fate, are you?" Akane smirked. "Well, Kunou, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if I were you, I'd start praying very hard for Ranma to recover." "And why should I do that, pray tell..." "Because, if Ranma dies, then your pig-tailed goddess will surely follow." "Nani?! Is that foul sorcerer's spell over her so strong? I cannot accept such a pronouncement! Tell me, Tendou Akane, tell me where I might find her. I must go at once to her aid." There was a cold glint in Akane's eye. "I'm sorry Kunou, but no one has seen her since Ranma's accident. I know her pretty well, though, and I can assure you that their lives are linked. If Ranma dies, she will die, and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Now if you will excuse me..." She turned to go. Behind her, she could hear Kunou's lamentations over the fate of his beloved pig tailed girl - in fact, she was sure that the whole city could hear him. She sighed to herself as she walked on toward the Medical Centre, and her own thoughts returned to Ranma's fate. *** ### *** Ranma-chan lay on her back panting. She had finally made it up to the next ledge, but the climb had been hard. Every muscle in her body ached, and she was exhausted. Wherever she was, she did not approve of the inferior quality of the rock. Several handholds had broken under her weight, and she almost hadn't made it as a result. For once she was glad to be a girl - with the added weight she carried in her male form, she might not have been so lucky. If nothing else, Ranma had learned the value of a tradeoff from the curse. As she was too tired to resume climbing right away, there was little else to do but think. She still could not remember how she had gotten to this strange place. Her memories in general seemed a tad hazy, not so much out of reach as out of focus. The last thing that she thought she remembered had been walking back toward the dojo from Ucchan's. But she was also pretty sure that she had been a guy at the time. She (he) had been thinking about Akane, - there had been a flash of light, and then nothing. The next thing Ranma-chan remembered was waking up on the ledge below. The silence was really starting to get on her nerves. It was so quiet that she could hear her own heart beating... it was spooky. Ranma- chan sat up, slowly this time, and turned her attention once more to the cliff face before her. She thought that she could see another ledge about fifteen meters above her. she thought to herself, *** ### *** Ukyou and Akane sat in Ranma's room, maintaining their silent vigils. Ukyou was reading another book, "Sakyu", but she could not keep her mind on the story. For her part, Akane was struggling with a pair of knitting needles, and a ball of yarn that was getting more and more tangled by the second. Finally, Akane tossed the mass away from her in frustration. Ukyou looked up from her book, glad of the distraction. "Akane- chan?" she asked. Akane sighed heavily. "Gomen nasai, Ukyou... I didn't mean to disturb you." "You're not, Akane-chan. I don't really feel like reading right now anyway." She put the book down on the table next to her chair. "What are you working on?" "Nothing, really. I can't seem to get those damn things (she indicated the discarded knitting needles) to work. Onee-chan makes it look so simple, but all I get is a tangled mess." Ukyou eyed the mass of green and blue yarn dubiously. "Maybe you're just trying too hard." She said. "Why don't you take a break, and try again once you've had a chance to relax a little?" "It's no use, Ukyou," said Akane. "I'll never get it right." She looked over at Ranma lying in his bed, and sniffed. "Even Ranma is better at this than I am. I guess that's one of the things that bugs me most about him. He's a *boy* and he makes a better girl than I do. He's a better cook, he knows more about crafts, he's better looking as a girl than I am... It's not fair!" Akane was practically in tears. "You're being too hard on yourself Akane-chan. After all, which one of you is it that all the guys are fighting over at school? There is nothing he can do that you can't learn - you just have to have the patience." "HE never seems to have any trouble" sighed Akane. "That's because he's an eidetic. Show him a technique, for anything, and give him a reason, and he'll learn it. He rarely has to be shown twice. It's one of the things that makes him such a good martial artist." "What has that got to do with cooking?" asked Akane. "What reason would he have had to learn that?" "If I had to guess, knowing Ran-chan, either some fool told him that he couldn't do it, or else they told him that he couldn't beat them at it. I'm willing to bet that if you could convince him that quantum mechanics was a martial art, Stephen Hawking would be out of a job. You know how competitive Ran-chan can be..." Akane managed a smile at that. Everyone who knew Ranma knew how he hated to lose. At anything. And in this case, she had a pretty good idea just who that fool had been. Then she sobered. "Ukyou..." "Yes, Akane-chan?" "Why are you being so nice to me? I mean... After all, we're..." "Rivals?" Akane nodded. Ukyou thought about the question for a moment. "I suppose it's because Ran-chan cares about you so much." The answer caught Akane off guard. "Nani?? He does?!?" "Didn't you know?" "No... I mean... He never said anything to me..." Ukyou smiled a little sadly. "No, I guess he wouldn't have. But he *does* like you. A lot." "He sure has a funny way of showing it," muttered Akane. Ukyou scowled. "You really have no room to talk there, you know. You don't treat Ran-chan very well either." Akane's voice was tight. "Just what do you mean by that?" "Well, you're always fighting with him. You always assume that whatever is going on is *his* fault, even if it isn't. You never give him a chance to explain, and you don't listen to him when he tries..." "But..." began Akane, but Ukyou wasn't finished. "Look, I know he can be difficult, but you never give him a chance, do you? On those occasions when he *is* nice to you, you treat him like he's sick, or lost his mind. You say you never want him around but you get mad at him when he spends time with anyone else. You're always telling him to go off and die..." Akane paled. "Are you quite finished?" she growled. "You *did* ask." Akane took a deep breath, but bit off her angry reply. Everything Ukyou had said was true... She did have a tendency to assume the worst where Ranma was involved. Maybe she should have given him the benefit of the doubt; been more patient. Maybe. "Yes, but... he... he can just be so irritating at times..." she answered lamely. Ukyou's expression softened slightly. "I know he can... Akane-chan; it's my turn to ask you a question." She paused. "Why are you here?" Akane stiffened. "What do you mean?" "Do you love Ran-chan?" Akane started to reply automatically in the negative, but thought better of it. "I... I... I don't know," she admitted miserably. She slumped in her chair and looked over at Ranma's bed forlornly. She tried to imagine what her life would be like without Ranma, but the image repelled her - it was cold and dark and lonely. She shivered. "I just can't imagine not having him around anymore..." "That sounds like a 'yes' to me," said Ukyou. Akane's temper flared, but burnt itself out almost immediately. "I guess... I guess maybe it is..." "That's good. I would hate to see Ran-chan marry someone who didn't love him." Akane looked at Ukyou in surprise. "Nanda?! Giving up? You?!" she stammered. "Certainly Not!" said Ukyou. "I'll fight to my last breath for Ran-chan - As long as he is happy, I win. And I still think that I'm the one that can make him the happiest." Akane didn't know whether to be relieved, or disappointed. She looked over at Ranma's bed once more and sighed. "We'll see..." she whispered. "We'll see..." *** ### *** Ranma-chan had almost reached the next ledge. This leg of the climb may have been shorter than the first one, but it sure hadn't been any easier. The rock that made up the cliff face was worse than shale - it tended to break under the slightest pressure or strain. It was like trying to climb a ladder where the rungs had all but rotted out. It made progress difficult at best. At least this time she hadn't fallen. Yet. Just now, she was stretching her sensitivity to the limit, in an effort to avoid the near disasters that had almost claimed her on the first climb. Each new handhold was carefully scrutinized before she trusted it with her weight - she was *not* going to fall again if there was any way to avoid it. She shuddered at the memory - the sickening instant of weightlessness as a handhold broke and gravity took hold, the moment of free fall, and the bone jarring impact on the ledge below. She was also increasingly certain that she was going in the right direction. It was vitally important that she reach the top of the cliff. She had no idea how she knew this, or why it was so, but she was very sure of it. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, but Ranma-chan was used to trusting her instincts. Finally, Ranma-chan dragged herself over the lip of the next ledge, and lay for several moments, the only sounds being the pounding of her heart, and the rasp of her laboured breathing. As she got her wind back, even these sounds faded into the stillness. The first attack came as Ranma-chan got to her feet to begin the next leg of her climb. As she reached for the first handhold, several small, hard objects struck the rock near her hand, sending sharp chips flying. Ranma-chan turned to face her attacker, dropping effortlessly into combat readiness. At first, she could see no one, but a moment later, Ryouga dropped onto the ledge in front of her, readying another attack. Ranma-chan was so surprised, she almost didn't evade as Ryouga rushed her, screaming in soundless rage. Ranma-chan did manage to dodge the attack, but just barely. She turned once more to face her nemesis. Ranma-chan was of two minds. One part of her was glad to find that she was not, after all, alone in this place. The other part of her, the largest part, was cursing whatever god thought it would be funny to strand her with Ryouga, of all people. Even if Ryouga knew where they were, there was no way that he could find his way out. Ryouga stood a few meters away, his face twisted in anger, his eyes blazing. Ranma-chan didn't think she had ever seen him this angry before, and Ryouga was usually angry. She wondered what had set him off this time. Once more, Ryouga charged, and Ranma-chan evaded by the skin of her teeth. Ranma-chan didn't mind fighting Ryouga, but she usually liked to know what she was fighting about. Here, there were just too many unknowns. "Yo! Ryouga! What do you think you're doing?" she called. Ryouga said nothing. He just glared at her and continued to circle, probing her defenses for a weakness he could exploit. Ranma-chan tried another approach. "Ryouga! Where are we, anyway? How did you get here?" Still Ryouga was silent. He acted like he hadn't even heard her. Now Ranma-chan was getting mad as well. "All right. If that's the way you want it!" She charged. Ryouga sidestepped her attack and tripped her, sending her crashing into the cliff face. Ranma-chan dropped and rolled, narrowly evading Ryouga's follow up attack, and got slowly to her feet. Again, she moved to attack. As before, when she reached for him, he was not there. It was like trying to grasp at quicksilver - he seemed to flow just out of her reach before countering with a blow of his own. Ranma-chan wiped the sweat out of her eyes and glared at her opponent. She had never seen him move this gracefully before; never seen him this good. she thought to herself darkly. Still, she wondered what had made him so angry... The more Ranma-chan attacked, and the madder she got, the more easily Ryouga evaded her attacks. He had not yet managed to land a blow on her, but she was taking a beating from all of her own near misses. She was getting tired as well. She looked hard at Ryouga. He wasn't even breathing hard - and there was not so much as a scratch on him. Ranma-chan felt the anger welling up in her again, as she prepared to attack, but before she could, a thought struck her. All the damage that she had taken so far, she had done to herself. Ryouga had never really touched her. She was getting angry, and her anger was making her careless. With an effort, Ranma-chan managed to control her urge to tear Ryouga's head off and instead dropped into a defensive crouch. she thought. Ryouga circled warily, once more on the offensive, looking for an opening. Ranma-chan smiled to herself. That was it - she couldn't let her anger get the best of her. Finally, Ryouga made his move, but this time, Ranma-chan was ready. As he charged, she dropped onto her back and brought her legs up into Ryouga's chest, launching him into the air, and sending him flying. Too late, she realized that his trajectory would carry him over the edge and into empty space. She lunged and tried to grab for Ryouga, but there was nothing she could do. She almost fell herself. "Ryouga!" she cried. But Ryouga did not fall. As he sailed out over the void, he simply... dissolved. He vanished as if he had never been, leaving Ranma-chan staring after him with her jaw hanging open. "Ryouga..." she said again. Ranma-chan fell to her knees, exhausted and confused. She stared out into the emptiness for a long moment. Turning her eyes upwards, towards whatever gods might be listening, she cried, "What *IS* this place?!" *** ### *** Akane and Ukyou were sitting in Ranma's room conversing quietly. There had been no change in Ranma's condition, but the Doctors had assured them, not to sound cliche, that while there was life there was hope, and that no news was good news. The attitude of the staff at the Medical Centre was one of guarded optimism, and Akane and Ukyou both took some small measure of comfort from that. There was a knock at the door, and Akane got up to answer it. As she opened the door, a voice could be heard asking, "Pardon me, but could you direct me to... Akane-san?! At last, I've found the right place!" "Ryouga! Hi!" said Akane. "Please, come in. It's so nice of you to come to visit Ranma." Ryouga entered and Akane closed the door. "Actually, I... I didn't come to visit Ranma," Ryouga stammered. "I... I... I came to see if *you* were all right..." Akane blushed. "I'm fine, thanks. I'm just worried about him." She turned sadly towards the bed. Ryouga turned to study the bed's occupant. He'd never seen Ranma this badly torn up before - not in all of the years that they had been rivals. Five years? Six? Ryouga couldn't even remember. "He looks bad," he said quietly. Akane nodded miserably. "He almost died already. There's a good chance that he still might." "That would be... unfortunate." Ryouga agreed somberly. Akane reached out, intending to comfort her iinazuke's friend. "I wanted to be the one to kill him." Akane froze. She couldn't believe her ears. "What? You... you can't really mean that!" "Hmm?" Ryouga seemed distracted for a second. "Sure I can. Why wouldn't I?" "But... he's your friend! I don't see how you can stand there and tell me that you would actually want to kill him!" That startled Ryouga - Ranma was his friend? It was news to him. His expression darkened once more. "You wouldn't understand. And he's NOT my friend." Akane's temper flared. "You're right. I *don't* understand it. I've never understood it. I just know that I don't like it. What is it between you two? Why would you hate Ranma so much? And why will neither of you ever tell me what it's all about?" Ryouga tensed, exasperated. "Ranma is the demon responsible for all of my suffering!" "Suffering?" Akane was incredulous. "What suffering? Just what did he *do* to you that would make you want to kill him?" Ryouga started to answer, and then realized that he could not - not without revealing to Akane the identity of her beloved P-chan. "Nothing," he said, a little sullenly. "That doesn't make any sense," Akane said. "If he didn't do anything, why are you two fighting all of the time?" "He ran out on a fight. If he had been there, I would not have... I would not have been through hell!" Ryouga was getting angry. "He was there for your stupid fight. He waited for you for THREE DAYS. What more did you want?" asked Akane indignantly. "I wanted him there on the fourth day! Why are you defending him? I thought you hated him too! Aren't you always crying yourself to sleep because of the way he hurts you?" Akane was shocked. "No! I don't hate him! I lo..." No... she wasn't quite ready to make that admission yet - not publicly. "What would *you* know about what I do when I go to sleep anyway?" Ryouga realized that he'd said a little too much so he ignored Akane's question in favour of asking one of his own. "How can you not hate him? All he does is torment you. Would he do that if he loved you?" Akane flinched. she thought. But Ukyou's words came back to reassure her... <"...I suppose it's because Ran-chan cares about you so much... - ...he *does* like you. A lot..."> She looked at Ryouga. "He might," she said simply. She tried another tack. "How can you be so pig headed?!" Another piece of a memory came back to her. "Ranma doesn't hate you, you know." Ryouga blanched at the term 'pig headed'. "Who... who told you that?" "Any fool could see it the first day you came to Furinkan looking for him," Akane replied testily. "Ranma wasn't even angry at you. Good grief, he didn't even remember your name! He just wanted to be friends. You're the one who can't seem to handle that! If it was you that was sick, Ranma would be hoping that you got well." "Ranma's an idiot. You've said it yourself countless times." Ryouga knew that he kept saying the wrong things, but he just couldn't stop himself. Akane smiled coldly. "Yes, Ranma can be an idiot. But he's not a malicious idiot. You know, I used to think that it was Ranma picking on you all this time. I'm beginning to see how that might have been a mistake." Ryouga clenched his fists in frustration. "How can I make you see what a coward Saotome Ranma really is!?" he cried. Akane's slap caught Ryouga hard across the face. "Ranma is NOT a coward! NEVER say that again!" she said, her tone icy. "I really think you ought to leave." Ryouga held the side of his face, his eyes wide in shocked surprise. "But... but Akane-san..." "Good BYE, Ryouga. Don't come back until you can grow up!" Akane escorted Ryouga firmly through the door, and closed it tightly behind him. When she heard the click of the latch, she leaned against the door and sighed. "Kuso!" she said. Ukyou had watched the whole exchange in silence. "I thought you handled that rather well," she said. "You should try that rational approach more often with Ran-chan. He might even listen to it." Akane scowled for a moment at the implied rebuke, and sighed. Ukyou was right, after all. "I just don't get it," she said. "I always thought that Ryouga was such a nice guy." "There are probably a lot of things about him that you don't know," said Ukyou wisely. *** ### *** Ranma-chan was almost halfway to the next ledge. She was having to be extra careful in testing her handholds - she was still jittery from Ryouga's attack. she thought. The whole thing had been so weird. It lent some hope to the theory that this might be some sort of bad dream, but not much. It was just too intense. Barring alien abduction or being dead left few options. The most reasonable theory that Ranma-chan could come up with was that she was delirious. Not hallucinating exactly, but trapped in a landscape that existed only in her mind. Ranma-chan looked around again at her desolate surroundings. she thought to herself. The only problem with that theory was that it created as many problems as it solved. For example, why on Earth would she dream up a place like this in the first place? she thought. Ranma-chan felt one of her handholds start to shift and hastily transferred her grip to an alternate. she thought to herself angrily, With a low growl Ranma-chan resumed her climb. For all intents and purposes she had determined her location. she thought as she glanced downward, *** ### *** END PART THREE OF SIX PART FOUR OF SIX *** ### *** It was dark in Ranma's room at the Medical Centre. Ukyou had gone to get provisions, and Akane was napping fitfully in one of the chairs. Akane did not look like she had been sleeping well, or often - her hair was mussed, and there were dark circles under her eyes. Even now she was tossing uneasily, caught in the throes of a nightmare. "Ranma..." she mumbled, "no baka..." Akane was in the dojo, venting her frustrations on innocent cinder blocks. The play had been a disaster. It was true that they had won the competition, and the prize of "getting to see China", but 'Romeo and Juliet' was supposed to have been a tragedy, not a comedy! It was all Ranma's fault, thought Akane. If he hadn't been so wrapped up in getting back to China and that damned training ground, her first chance to play Juliet would not have been ruined. Instead, the entire production had dissolved into chaos. Between Ranma, Kunou, Gosunkugi and Happousai of all people, there had been *four* Romeos - rather more than the script had called for. If that hadn't been bad enough, Ranma had taken her part as Juliet opposite Kunou! The selfish jerk hadn't cared how important this had been to her - all he had been interested in was seeing China. Akane smiled to herself. That, at least, had been a touch of poetic justice. Ranma had not been happy when he had learned that 'seeing China' had referred to an actor, not a trip to the mainland. "Serves him right," Akane muttered to herself. "What serves who right?" asked Ranma as he walked into the dojo. Akane's temper flared. "It serves *you* right, baka! How could you *do* that to me? Don't you know how much that part meant to me? Didn't you care at all?" "Hey, what'd *I* do? We won, didn't we? - Not that it did any good," he added darkly. "That's not the point! 'Romeo and Juliet' is supposed to be a love story, not an episode of Urusei Yatsura!" "I thought Urusei Yatsura *was* a love story!" "We're talking about Shakespearian tragedy, for God's sake! NOT slapstick comedy!" "Huh! In that case it's too bad we didn't do 'Taming of the Shrew!' - Now *there's* a part that was written for you!" Ranma retorted. "BAKA!" roared Akane. "Kawaikunee!" "Pervert!" "That's *Per-VECT*!" Akane was livid. How could he be such a total jerk? She pulled back her fist, ready to knock him into the middle of the next week. "Die, Ranma!" she yelled. Before she could move to strike, Ranma looked at her and said, "Okay - if that's what you want," and with that, his eyes rolled up, his breathing stopped, and Saotome Ranma dropped bonelessly to the floor of the dojo. Akane stood staring, too shocked to even move. Minutes passed, and nothing stirred. Akane grew angry again. "Ranma! Ranma, this is no time for sick jokes!" Ranma didn't move. "Ranma, stop playing around! I mean it!" Still there was no sign of life from the crumpled body before her. She approached his still form, and reached out to shake him. "Ranma, cut it out..." Her voice died in her throat as she touched him. He was cold; cold as ice. A frantic search couldn't find a pulse. She turned him over, and sightless eyes stared up at her. He was absolutely still - no sign of life remained. Akane screamed. "Ranma! No! I didn't mean it like that!" She heard Ranma's voice from behind her. "It's what you said you wanted." Anger flared in Akane - "Ranma, how dare you..." She turned to face her tormentor and her words again died unspoken. Ranma's body was still lying inert in her arms, his head pillowed on her lap. The figure that stood behind her was Ranma, but she could see right through him. The figure looked down at her, a deep sadness visible in its eyes. "But... But..." began Akane, "It was a figure of speech! An expression!" Ranma's ghost stood over Akane, and his own lifeless body. "Be careful what you wish for, Akane..." The figure started to fade away. "Good-bye..." "Ranma!" Akane cried, "Don't leave me! Not like this!" The fading ghost's voice was no more than a whisper. "I loved you, you know..." and then it was gone. A chill wind blew across Akane, and she was alone. "Ranma! NOOOoooo!" Akane sobbed. "Nooooo..." Akane woke with a start, her breath coming in short gasps, her pulse thundering in her ears. She was surprised for a moment to find herself in a chair in an unfamiliar room. "Ranma..." She looked down at Ranma's still form in its hospital bed, and was relieved to see that he was still breathing. "Ranma... Thank god, it was only a dream. Please, Ranma, don't die. You can't leave me that way..." Footsteps sounded in the corridor, and stopped outside the door. The door opened and Ukyou walked in carrying a number of small bags from a local restaurant. She froze when she saw the expression on Akane's face. "Omygod," she cried. "What happened? Ran-chan!" She rushed forward, her armload of parcels forgotten. Akane looked up at Ukyou, tears still streaming down her face. "It... It's okay, Ukyou... I... I just had a really bad dream, that's all." Ukyou looked at Akane, and then at the monitors on the console behind Ranma's bed. She was relieved to see them chirping quietly to themselves, and the quiet, albeit painfully slow, rise and fall of Ranma's chest. She sat down heavily. "God, you scared me," she said. Akane just looked miserable. Remembering where she had been, Ukyou passed one of the nearly forgotten parcels to Akane. "Here, Akane. You really should try to eat something." Akane took the bag, and smiled wanly at Ukyou. "Thanks," she said. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Ukyou. *** ### *** Ranma-chan hauled herself painfully onto the next ledge. This one was narrower than the others had been, topping out at about two meters. There was a large boulder a little ways down the ledge, that left a narrow passage between it and the cliff face. In the shadow of the boulder there was what looked like the entrance to a shallow cave. Ranma-chan headed for the boulder - the cave seemed like it would be worth a closer look. As it happened, the cave was something of a disappointment. It was little more than a hollow in the cliff face, no more than two and a half meters deep. As Ranma-chan turned to leave the cave, a shadow blocked the entrance. Ranma-chan fell back into a defensive crouch as she looked toward the cave mouth. A figure stood silhouetted against the entrance, tall and imposing. From the stance and the bokken it held, she assumed that it could only be Kunou. She groaned to herself. Ranma-chan started to stalk out of the cave, but Kunou blocked her way with his bokken. She stepped back and moved to go around the other way. Again, she was blocked. She glared at him. Kunou smiled and lifted the tip of his bokken to Ranma-chan's chin. She stared back at him defiantly. Like Ryouga on the ledge before, he was absolutely silent - she thought to herself. Once more she tried to move around him, and as he moved to block her passage, her leg shot out in a sharp kick. Kunou's smile widened as he parried the kick with the flat of his sword. Ranma-chan fell back into her defensive crouch as she considered her options. This was not a good place to be trying to fight. Her movements were too restricted in the cave - she had very little room to manoeuvre. Kunou would be limited too, but with his bokken, he had the advantage of reach. He also had her pinned in this stupid cave. Kunou launched into an attack, his bokken stabbing in almost too fast to see. Ranma-chan was hard pressed to evade, having so little room to move. Normally, she would just have kicked him into low Earth orbit as he was pontificating, but a silent Kunou was actually proving to be a bit more of a challenge. The force of Kunou's strikes was also having an unfortunate effect on the cave. Rocks were beginning to fall from the walls and roof of the cave, which were already brittle, and as the debris accumulated on the floor of the alcove, it was making it more difficult for Ranma- chan to move. Finally, she hit a stone wrong, and went down on her side. Kunou moved in for the kill. thought Ranma-chan, as she noticed the hate and fury in her attacker's expression. As Kunou rushed forward, Ranma-chan rolled toward him, under his blade. She slammed into his shins, and he came down on top of her. The trouble was, so did most of the roof of the cave. When the dust cleared, there was a bigger hole in the cliff face, largely clogged with a pile of rock and debris. The silence was deafening, and the stillness absolute. After a time, something shifted, and a rock rolled down the side of the pile to the ledge. After another moment of stillness, a second rock joined the first, followed by an increasing number of its companions as the whole pile started to swell upward. A battered and bruised Ranma-chan burst out of the pile, tossing Kunou's still form aside as she gasped for breath. She hauled herself shakily to her feet and dusted herself off. she thought as she surveyed the cliff face, The cliff had sustained considerable damage from the rockfall. Cracks spidered the rock, and all the potential handholds that Ranma-chan could see looked loose or weak. Kunou was beginning to stir. Ranma-chan spared him a withering look. "Are you happy now, you moron?" she asked testily. "How the hell am I supposed to make the next ledge now?" Kunou did not answer, but she hadn't really expected him to. Neither did she expect him to jump up and attack her again, but he *did* do that. Once more, Ranma-chan found herself dodging a flurry of blows, but this time, she had room to manoeuvre - and room to fight back. Ranma-chan was running out of patience - not that she ever had that much to begin with; and Kunou's continued silence was beginning to unnerve her. "Won't you give it a *rest*?" she called out to him. "I always *told* you that I could never go out with you! You can't blame me if you're too dense to listen!" Kunou's only reply was to increase the savagery of his attack. Ranma-chan ducked up under his outstretched arms and cut loose with a flurry of punches of her own. Faster than the eye could follow, she punched him repeatedly until he dropped to his knees. Hopping lightly over her stunned opponent, she grabbed his collar and tossed him away from her once more. Kunou landed badly, bouncing once and sliding toward the edge. thought Ranma-chan. She dove for the edge herself, and got a firm grip on Kunou's tunic as he slid out into space. Ranma-chan just managed to halt her own slide toward oblivion and still keep her grip on Kunou. Her hold on his collar was the only thing between Kunou and eternity. Kunou thanked Ranma-chan for her efforts with a snarl and a thwack on the arm with his bokken. Reflexively, she snatched back her injured limb, but in doing so, was forced to relinquish her grip on Kunou. Kunou started to fall, but never finished. He, like Ryouga again, dissolved into nothingness as if he had never existed. Perhaps he hadn't. Ranma-chan wasn't certain of anything anymore - except that she was very tired, and very sore, and not at all sure that she had the will or the energy to continue. She just really didn't see where she had a choice. After taking a moment to try and catch her breath, Ranma-chan picked the most stable hand holds that she could find and once more started the agonizing climb toward the top of the cliff. *** ### *** The Nekohanten was unusually quiet. A somber air hung over the little restaurant like a pall on a casket. Cologne was in the kitchen, Mousse was bussing tables, and Shampoo was taking orders and watching the register. They conversed little, or not at all. Shampoo went about her work listlessly; with none of her usual bounce or enthusiasm. She was polite to the customers, taking their orders, and bringing their food as efficiently as ever, but her smile never reached her eyes. To anyone that knew her, it was obvious that she was in pain. Mousse too, worked more quietly than usual, often stealing glances at Shampoo as she walked past. It broke his heart to see her this way - so desperately unhappy - and to know that there was nothing he could do about it. He had tried to comfort her on the night they had found out about Ranma's accident, but she had been inconsolable. He hadn't heard her laugh or seen her really smile since then. She wasn't eating, she spoke only when someone spoke to her, and she spent most of her off time in her room crying softly. She hadn't even insulted him lately. The only times she seemed to regain a spark of her former energy were those times that she caught sight of a delivery truck, and that had been hard on the delivery trucks. As word spread, it was becoming increasingly difficult to get anything trucked into Nerima. The drivers and the insurance companies were simply unwilling to risk it. Mousse watched Shampoo for another moment before turning back to his own work with a long sigh. Even losing her to Ranma would be better than this. Not for the first time, Mousse wondered what power Saotome had that inspired such devotion. *** ### *** At one of the more secluded tables in the Nekohanten, Happousai sat staring morosely into his ramen. He had hardly touched his food. After he had fled from Akane, he had come here in search of a meal and maybe a chance to grope Shampoo. That hadn't worked either - Shampoo had deflected his approach without even seeming to notice him. It was then that Cologne had told him about Ranma. At least now he understood why Akane had been so upset. He found the potential loss of his best student to be a sobering thought. If Ranma died, there would be no more Ranma-chan, either. While he knew a great deal of magic, none of his spells were the type that could help Ranma now. He was not used to feeling helpless, and he had just about decided that he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. *** ### *** Ranma-chan was nervous. The last two ledges had been booby trapped, and with real boobs no less. She didn't know where they were coming from or why they were attacking her, but instinct told her that the worst was yet to come. She strained her senses to the limit, but they told her nothing. The effort was beginning to wear on her. She was about ready to begin the next part of her ascent, but was reluctant to leave the relative safety of the ledge until she was sure that there were no more nasty surprises waiting for her. As it happened, her caution served her well. A flicker caught her eye, and she whirled to face the new threat, whoever (or whatever) it might turn out to be. She put her back against the rock face and scanned the area for more signs of movement. Something flashed and Ranma-chan ducked. A mace attached to a chain impacted the rock wall where her head had been and bounced to the ground. Her gaze followed the chain back to its source, and she groaned softly. It was Mousse. Ranma-chan felt sorry for Mousse - even if the boy had no dignity left, it was impossible not to admire his persistence. There was no questioning his devotion to Shampoo, but Ranma-chan could not help feeling a bit put upon. She could understand fighting for something or someone that was important to her, but it seemed to her that Mousse carried things too far. After all, she had never intended to "take away" his beloved Shampoo - she had never intended to get involved with her at all. It just didn't seem fair somehow. People were always trying to kill her for things that just weren't her fault. It was enough to give anyone a persecution complex. Ranma-chan was beginning to despair of ever getting her life straightened out. Ranma-chan returned her attention to her attacker. This Mousse, or whatever he was, had eyesight no better than that of his real-world counterpart. He was still dangerous, to be sure, but he was only a real threat when he remembered to wear his glasses. Idly Ranma- chan wondered why Mousse never looked into contact lenses. Mousse swung around to attack again. While she knew that he could not see her as more than a blur, she was acutely aware of every sound she made. Mousse was homing his attacks on her that way, and he was darned good at it. Mousse's own movements made no sound whatever. She dove for the cliff face as another barrage of weapons whirled through the space she had occupied only fractions of a second before. Where on earth did he keep all of those things? Ranma considered her options. Close quarters combat was ill advised - in her present form, Mousse had the advantages of reach and sheer power. Besides, all the weaponry he was tossing around would have made it difficult to get that close. By the same token, she really couldn't take him at a distance, either. She had no weapons capable of reaching him, while he seemed to have a limitless arsenal. The situation appeared hopeless - sooner or later she would get tired, or slip, and he would finish her. Mousse paused for a moment to recover some of his weapons - they were still connected to him by lengths of chain. Ranma-chan noted that there were a hell of a lot of chains hanging out of his sleeves. she thought to herself. At last a strategy began to take form in her mind. All she had to do now was keep Mousse attacking as fast as he could. Ranma-chan did an end run around Mousse's position on the ledge. He attacked as she passed, just as she hoped that he might. She swung to the side and prepared to dodge the next wave. Mousse did not disappoint her - barrage after barrage of blades, maces and other assorted implements of destruction hurled past her as she tried frantically to avoid getting hit. But this time, there was one critical difference. Instead of keeping her back to the rock face, Ranma-chan was now between Mousse and the drop. It was inherently more dangerous, but this way she had one advantage. Instead of landing on the ledge, Mousse's weapons were all sailing out over the edge of the cliff. As more and more weaponry sailed past her, and the number of chains hanging out of Mousse's sleeves grew, every bit of that weight was now hanging out over the drop. Even as Ranma-chan watched, Mousse was starting to slide forward as the weight of all that accumulated weaponry overcame the force of friction. Mousse did not seem to notice. He maintained his attack with a single mindedness that could only be described as suicidal. Ranma-chan vaulted over Mousse as he slid past her position on his way toward the edge. He turned toward her as he passed, his hand outstretched. Without even stopping to think about it, Ranma-chan made a grab for Mousse's arm in an effort to halt his slide toward oblivion. As she reached toward him, Mousse rewarded her actions with one last attack - the mace caught Ranma-chan hard on the shoulder and she went down. As she fell, she saw Mousse go over the edge. To the last second he looked as if he were trying to attack - his own fate had been of no importance. Ranma-chan shuddered. When she managed to stand up again, she approached the edge cautiously, and peered over. There was no trace of Mousse - she was alone again. Ranma-chan backed up until she was leaning against the rock face once more, as far away from the edge as she could get. She slid down to sit on the ledge, exhausted. Nothing made any sense any more. If she was indeed in a world of her own creation, who was trying to keep her from reaching the top of the cliff? Why were all of these people attacking her, where were they coming from, and where were they going? The whole thing was starting to make her head hurt. After catching her breath, Ranma-chan returned her attention to the cliff face before her. The next ledge wasn't getting any closer by itself. She sighed and once more resumed her climb. *** ### *** It was early morning at the Medical Centre. Ukyou and Akane had just finished breakfast, and were talking quietly when they were interrupted by a gentle tap on the door. Before either of them could get up to answer it, the door opened and Shampoo walked into the room. She set her pack and her bonbori on the floor, near the door and nodded at the girls before turning her attention to Ranma. She stared at him for a long time, her expression a peculiar mixture of hope, and of dread. It was as if she were willing him to wake up and talk to her, but not daring to believe that it would work. It didn't - continued silence was her only answer. With a sigh, her shoulders sagged, and Shampoo sat heavily on the floor and buried her face in her hands. Shampoo felt a touch on her shoulder. Blinking back tears, she looked up to see Akane leaning over her. She stiffened defensively for a moment, but relaxed after looking into Akane's eyes. She had come prepared to defend her right to be there, but it did not look like Akane was inclined to make an issue of it. That seemed a little odd to Shampoo, but she was unwilling to look for trouble under the circumstances. It was a moment before she felt she could trust her voice. "Ranma still no better?" Akane's expression told her all she needed to know. Akane helped Shampoo up, led her over to one of the chairs and eased her into it. Akane retrieved Shampoo's pack from its place by the door and put it in the closet alongside her own and Ukyou's. Shampoo looked at Akane curiously. "You no try to make Shampoo leave?" she asked. Akane smiled sadly. "This isn't the time for us to be fighting, Shampoo. I've already learned that lesson." She looked at Ukyou meaningfully. "Ranma is going to need all the help and caring he can get... from all of us. Even you." Shampoo looked relieved. "Shampoo glad to hear that - not look forward to fight right now." "We have a truce for now," agreed Ukyou. "I've been wondering when you would get here. To be honest, I thought you'd have been here days ago." Shampoo glared at Ukyou, but there was no heat in it. "Shampoo have... business to take care of." Ukyou nodded. She had been listening to the radio from time to time, and had heard the reports about attacks on delivery vans in the Nerima sector. It hadn't required any great amount of insight to guess who might have been responsible. In a way, Ukyou had taken some satisfaction from the reports - It was not the sort of thing that she would have done herself, but it made her feel a little better to know that even if pedestrians had to watch out for speeding lorries, the speeding lorries also had to beware certain pedestrians. It had a certain balance - a symmetry to it that appealed to her. "Besides," Shampoo continued, "Great Grandmother say husband no need Shampoo's help. She no let Shampoo come until today. Shampoo no like it, but Great Grandmother very... insistent." Ukyou and Akane shared a knowing look at that. They both knew well that Cologne was a force to be reckoned with. Neither of them would have been inclined to ignore her instructions either, had they been in Shampoo's place. "What changed her mind?" asked Akane. Shampoo looked sheepish. "Is only way she get Shampoo to eat." she said. While Akane helped Shampoo settle in, Ukyou arranged for a third chair. The charge nurse just shook her head and sighed. *** ### *** The Head Nurse shook her head as Ukyou left the desk at the nurse's station. "Another one?" she muttered to herself. "How does he do it? *Why* does he do it?" Ranma was already a main topic of conversation on the floor. As word spread, whispered conversations among nurses often carried remarks about the odd young man ranging from mere incredulity to rather graphic speculation. "*Two* iinazuke?" "Sure, he's cute and all, but really!" "That's gonna be one wedding I'd like to see..." "Why do they both stay with him? I'd never stand for it..." "Ranma - Wild Horse... I wonder if that means anything..." "He seems a little young to be that well versed..." "You say he's a *martial* artist? I thought it was *marital* artist..." "I wonder if he'd be interested in a third?" Things had just begun to quiet down and now a third actually had shown up. The Head Nurse sighed. Three iinazuke! The rest of the staff was going to have a field day with this one. At least most of her staff had the tact not to say anything where any of the young ladies could hear it. From the assortment of weaponry she had seen Ukyou and this new one carry, she was quite willing to believe that any nurse foolish enough to be overheard would rapidly switch from "hospital employee" to "hospital patient". *** ### *** As Ranma-chan hauled herself over the top of the next ledge, she was only mildly surprised to find that she was not alone. The ledge was like most of the others, ranging between two and five meters wide from the narrowest to the widest points. About eight meters along the ledge, a large figure sat hunched over a campfire, staring intently at a kettle of water set over the fire to boil. It was a giant panda. Ranma-chan got slowly to her feet and dusted herself off. The panda appeared to take no notice of her at all. Ranma-chan approached cautiously. "Oi, Oyaji!" she said. Still, the panda ignored her. Again, Ranma-chan felt herself getting angry, but this time, she was not going to let it get the better of her. Since her father had elected not to answer her, she decided to take matters into her own hands, and stepped forward to reach for the kettle. Before she could get a grip on the handle, the panda dissolved into a blur of motion, and with a soundless snarl it swatted her hard into the side of the mountain. As Ranma-chan peeled herself off the rock face, she turned to glare at the panda. Somewhere deep down, a part of her wondered when her old man had learned to move so fast. "Oyaji!" Ranma-chan said accusingly, "Don't be so selfish! That kettle holds enough water for both of us!" Again the panda waited until she was all but touching the handle of the kettle before it reacted with inhuman speed. Ranma-chan managed to avoid most of the blow, but she still took a glancing hit to the side. The panda acted as if she weren't even there as she picked herself up off the ledge. Ranma-chan elected to change her strategy, just a bit. More than the hot water, she wanted information. She felt that her father owed her that much, at least - at the *very* least. Besides, being a girl had largely been working to her advantage since she had been here. Upon reflection, it seemed unwise to tempt fate more than she already had. There would be time for hot water later. She hoped. "What'd you do that for?!" she cried indignantly. "Just what *is* it with all of you?! Where in the *hell* are we?" Rather that allowing her anger to make her careless, Ranma-chan drew strength from it, using it to sharpen her focus. She advanced on the panda until she was standing right in front of him. "Answer me, damn you!" No response. "Fine! Ignore *this* old man!" Ranma-chan popped the panda in the nose. The panda didn't even flinch. Ranma-chan spun toward the kettle once more, but she made no move to take it. Since she was between the panda and the kettle, she had one clean shot. Her leg lashed out, and the kettle went flying into space. Now maybe she could get her father's attention. Get his attention she did. As the kettle cleared the ledge, the panda swatted Ranma-chan from behind, knocking her into the coals of the campfire. She screamed in agony as she rolled through the embers. As Ranma-chan got painfully to her feet, the panda pressed his attack. The panda was faster than he had any right to be. Ranma- chan was hard pressed to evade his attacks, and was having trouble landing any blows herself. Even her chestnut fist technique was proving to be totally ineffective. "What are you so mad at me for?" she asked the panda. "If you hadn't been so damned selfish or so damned stubborn..." She paused to duck a paw. "But no... it *always* has to be this way, doesn't it? Always thinking of yourself, and no one else!" Ranma-chan managed to land a kick on the panda's belly. A fragment of a memory drifted through Ranma-chan's mind. It was a comment Akane had made during one of their fights. "Like father, like son," she had said. Ranma-chan could almost imagine that she was hearing Akane's voice at that instant. Ranma-chan faltered as the cold realization hit her. thought Ranma-chan. Her anger intensified as she turned once more toward the panda. "And I'm turning out just LIKE you!" she shouted as she renewed her attack. "No! No more!" The tide of the battle was definitely turning. As her rage burned hotter, Ranma-chan focused on her attacks, and started to drive the panda back. "You're to blame for this! It's your fault!" She grabbed a paw and slammed the panda into the cliff face. "And the *worst* part of it is..." she said as she drove the dazed bear back toward the edge, "you're not even *real*!" With that, Ranma-chan kicked the panda solidly in the chest. The panda staggered back, and over the edge. This time, Ranma-chan just watched. She was through risking her neck for shadows that faded into the aether. The panda fell. "Nooooo!" screamed Ranma-chan as she ran forward. She watched, horrified, as the panda struck a boulder on the ledge below, and rolled limply over that edge as well. When the body bounced off of the next ledge and into the void, it was human... and badly broken. Ranma-chan fell to her knees, almost toppling herself. "Nooo..." she cried again, "You're not real... You *can't* be real..." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. Her father. She had just killed her own father. Hadn't she? After what seemed like an eternity Ranma-chan stood and shuffled back towards the rock face. She had been so sure that nothing here was real - that they were all shadows in her mind. Now, she was sure of only one thing. If she was going to get any of the answers that she needed, she had to get to the top of the cliff. Ranma-chan sighed to herself and turned once more toward her climb. She was close to total exhaustion, but she was almost there. The top was so close, she felt like she could all but reach out and touch it. One more ledge, one more stop, and then the top would be hers. *** ### *** END PART FOUR OF SIX PART FIVE OF SIX *** ### *** In Ranma's room at the Medical Centre, the three girls sat around a small table. Ukyou was wearing a gambler's visor, and had a peppermint stick hanging out of her mouth like some caricature of a cigarette. She had a pile of candy drops beside her, and an intense expression as she stared at her cards. To her right sat Akane, who was scowling at her own hand. Akane's pile of candies was significantly smaller than Ukyou's. Shampoo sat to Ukyou's left. She too was sucking on a candy stick as she studied her cards. In lieu of a hat, she wore a bedpan canted at a rakish angle. Her own pile of 'chips' was by far the largest of the three. It was apparent that she had been winning. "I'll take one." said Ukyou. She slid a card face downward across the tabletop. Without a word, Shampoo dealt her another card. Akane studied her hand. She'd never been any good at cards, either, but at least she was better than Ranma. Right now, she had three deuces, a four and a five. She opted to try for the full house. "One," she said, discarding the four. "Dealer take two." said Shampoo as she dropped two cards in favour of two new ones from the top of the deck. "Three," said Ukyou, dropping a like number of candy drops in the center of the table. Akane picked up the card she'd been dealt and considered her bet. A seven. She could read nothing from either Ukyou or Shampoo. After a moment's consideration, she pushed three candies from her own diminishing pile towards the center of the table. Shampoo looked thoughtfully at her cards for a few seconds, and dropped three candies into the pot, and added two more. Ukyou sighed and tossed her cards down. "Fold." Akane looked at Shampoo appraisingly. she thought. Akane pushed two more candies into the pot. "Call." Shampoo smirked and laid out her cards, one by one. "Shampoo have two pair." Akane grinned. she thought. "Pair of red threes," said Shampoo, "and pair of black threes." Akane's face fell as she dropped her cards onto the table. She really should have known better. She sighed as she watched Shampoo rake in the latest pot, adding it to the enormous pile beside her. At least Akane could console herself with the thought that if Shampoo actually *ate* her winnings she would be too fat to chase after Ranma anymore. Shampoo gathered the cards and passed the deck to Akane. "Mallet Girl deal now," she said. Akane shot her a dark look, but took the cards and shuffled. She held the deck out for Ukyou to cut, and then she started to deal three hands. "Another round of the same," she said, "Jack of Hearts is wild." Ukyou raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. She just tossed in her ante with the other two. After sorting her cards, Shampoo dropped two candies onto the center of the table. Ukyou hesitated for a second and matched them. Akane looked at her cards. She had the ten, the jack, and the king of hearts, the two of diamonds, and the four of clubs. Possible straight. She dropped two candies into the pot, and then two more. "Akane reckless tonight," said Shampoo, but she matched the bet. Ukyou shrugged and added her two candies. Shampoo dropped two cards face down on the table. Akane passed her new ones. Ukyou dropped three, and again, Akane passed out cards. After a moments consideration, Akane discarded the two and the four and took two cards for herself. Akane fought hard to keep her expression neutral. She had picked up the queen and the ace of hearts. Not daring to speak, she looked over toward Shampoo. Shampoo smiled and dropped four candies into the pot. "Shampoo hope husband like candy drops," she said. "Shampoo have too many for just her." Ukyou and Akane both glowered at the Amazon. Without a word, Ukyou dropped in four to match, and four to raise. Trying to appear nonchalant, Akane pushed eight candies to the middle of the table. Shampoo cocked and eyebrow at her. "Akane sure she want to do that? Not have much left to share with Ranma when she lose..." Akane turned bright red, and pushed another fistful of candies into the pot. "Oh, yeah?" she retorted. "Put your money where your mouth is, China Girl." "Hmph." the Amazon responded as she matched the bet, "If Akane was species of fish, she be extinct!" Ukyou looked at the other girls and quietly folded. "And just what do you mean by that?" Akane asked tightly. Shampoo grinned evilly. "Simple. Always take bait!" She dropped the cards she was holding. She had a full house, aces high. Ukyou started laughing. Akane glared at her. "And what are *you* laughing at?" she asked heatedly. "Shampoo," chortled Ukyou, "just played a full house when you have a royal flush!" Akane bit off her retort as she looked at her cards. Numbly, she placed them on the surface in front of her. Ukyou looked at her curiously. "Akane-chan? Are you okay?" Then she saw the cards that Akane had played. Her jaw dropped. "How... how did you know?" Akane managed to ask. Ukyou replied quietly. "Actually, I was referring to the way you were blushing." Akane's blush returned with a vengeance as she drew in her winnings. *** ### *** Ranma-chan was making her initial survey of what appeared to be the last leg of her climb when the final attack came. As she studied the cliff face she felt that familiar itch between her shoulder blades - the feeling that she was being watched. She closed her eyes and tried to listen for signs of the watcher's whereabouts, but of course, she could hear nothing. Which of her tormentors had the Gods selected to send against her this time? She turned as the first blow was struck, and only just managed to evade it. As she realized who it was attacking her this time, Ranma-chan froze. That proved to be a mistake; Akane's next blow just about took her head off. Ranma-chan fell back, dazed. For the first time since her arrival in this strange place, she saw stars. Like those that had attacked before her, Akane was silent; silent and full of fury. Ranma-chan watched in horror as Akane moved towards her, eyes cold and hard as diamonds. At least this time, she had enough of her wits about her to dodge the punch. Akane's attack was ferocious - it took all of Ranma-chan's speed and skill to avoid her punches. Within moments, however, Ranma-chan had been backed up against the cliff face - there was nowhere for her to go. As Akane charged forward, she dropped and rolled to the right. Akane turned to pursue, murder in her eyes. Ranma-chan scuttled backwards trying desperately to avoid letting Akane get close enough to do any real damage, but that was not so easy to do. Akane charged and Ranma-chan sideslipped. The manoeuvre was successful, but she was horrified to see that Akane had come within centimeters of the drop before managing to halt her charge. Another move like that and Akane too would go sailing off into space. Ranma-chan had been reasonably sure that none of her attackers were really the people that they appeared to be, but after what had happened on the last ledge, she was taking no chances. Under no circumstances was she willing to risk sending Akane into oblivion. She adapted her evasive strategy to try and keep Akane always rushing toward the cliff face when she attacked, rather than toward the edge. It was working, but she knew she couldn't keep this up forever. This had to be stopped, and stopped quickly. "Akane," she cried. "What are you doing?" Not surprisingly, she received no answer. "Why? Why are you so angry? Won't you at least tell me that?" Ranma-chan was still managing to evade Akane's attack, but she was tiring rapidly. She could not stay ahead of Akane for much longer. "Akane, Please! - I don't want to fight you!" She dodged as Akane lunged toward her. Akane might have gone over the edge at that point, but Ranma-chan managed to grab her arm and swing her back toward the side of the mountain. Ranma-chan lost her balance and fell hard, nearly sliding off the ledge herself. She got slowly to her feet as Akane prepared for another attack. There was no hesitation in Akane's manner, and Ranma-chan could see no hope for reconciliation in her eyes. Ranma-chan looked sadly at the girl she might have married. she thought, Ranma-chan sighed as she reached a decision. She was tired; tired of always fighting with Akane; tired of all the anger and the hurt. There were just some fights that you could never win. She stood up and dusted herself off. She looked briefly at the drop behind her, and then turned to face her attacker. "I will not fight you." she said simply. She spread her arms in a gesture of surrender. "If you hate me that much, go ahead. Finish it." Akane did not appear to notice. As Akane began her charge, Ranma-chan closed her eyes and waited for a final impact, and the free fall that would follow. She shuddered as the image of her father's broken body bouncing off the mountainside ran once more through her mind. she thought to herself. The final blow never came. A full minute passed before Ranma-chan could bring herself to open her eyes again. When she did, she was alone. The phantom Akane had vanished. "Akane..." she whispered. The tears in her eyes made things more difficult as Ranma-chan began the last leg of her climb, but for once, she didn't even try to stop them. *** ### *** It was quiet once more in Ranma's room. Ukyou was reading another one of her novels, Akane was fiddling with her knitting, and actually getting it right for a change, and Shampoo was poring over a massive tome, busily taking notes. Akane reached the end of the row that she was working on and set her knitting aside. She thought that she was finally getting the hang of it, but she was getting tired, and was not in a mood to press her luck. She sighed and looked over to see what Shampoo was studying. Akane was sure that she'd read the title incorrectly. "Modern Neurochemistry?" she asked in a surprised voice. The Amazon looked annoyed. "Nanda?" she asked testily. "Gomen ne," said Akane. "I was just surprised, that's all." Shampoo put her notes down and closed her book. "Why surprised? Akane no think Shampoo can read?" "Hey, take it easy," said Ukyou in a calming voice. "She didn't mean anything by it. What's got you in such asnit?" Shampoo glared at the two of them, but relented. "Shampoo sorry. Shampoo just tired of people thinking that because she come from Amazon village, or her Japanese not so good, that she stupid. She NOT stupid." "Gomen, Shampoo. I didn't mean to imply anything..." said Akane. "I just didn't know that you were interested in things besides martial arts and cooking." "And Ranma?" Shampoo asked innocently. "She got you with that one, Akane-chan." "That's just because of that stupid Amazon Law," Akane shot back. Shampoo bristled. "Why Akane care? She no want Ranma. Say so many times!" Before Akane could reply to that sting, Ukyou jumped in to calm things down a bit. "So if it's not just the law, Shampoo, why *are* you interested in Ranma?" she asked. Shampoo looked hard at Ukyou, but could see no threat in her expression. She looked genuinely curious. "You really want to know?" she asked. Ukyou and Akane both nodded. Shampoo looked longingly at the unconscious figure in the bed. "At first, Shampoo just happy to find strong husband. In Joketsuzoku, most skilled warriors have trouble finding husbands." "It's lonely at the top," quipped Akane. Shampoo thought about that. "Is so," she said soberly. "Can be very lonely for best fighter, and no one of her generation better than Shampoo. No one want to spend life alone." "What about Mousse?" asked Ukyou quietly. Shampoo snorted. "Mousse... Mousse is child. Will always be child. Even if Shampoo wanted Mousse, Mousse no can beat Shampoo. No can marry. Is law." "But he loves you," said Akane. "Is the law really that strict?" "Shampoo no love him. But law is good law! Make Amazons strong! Because of law, Shampoo find Ranma! Now Shampoo no have to be alone!" "But what if Ranma can't marry you?" asked Akane. "He does have..." she looked at Ukyou, "...other obligations." "Ranma *must* marry Shampoo. If not, Shampoo can never go back to village. Can never go home." Akane and Ukyou exchanged glances. "But why Ranma? What if someone else were to beat you in combat?" "Shampoo no want anyone else." She paused. "Ranma... Ranma have everything Shampoo want in husband. He strong, brave, have good heart. He even stand up to great grandmother. He be father of many strong children." Akane sighed. "If Ranma... No, *when* Ranma gets better, he may not agree with you. There are other choices he could make." "Shampoo just have to make sure that she *best* choice, then, ne?" Akane looked like she wanted to argue the point, but Ukyou spoke up, tempted as she was to let the other two kill each other. "We can all fight over him later, if you want. But *not* here." she said softly. "For now, he needs us - all of us - to be there for him. After all, if he dies, then none of this matters." The tension that had been building between Akane and Shampoo melted away with that warning. Ukyou was right; there would be time for fighting later. Right now, they just had to hope that there would still be someone to fight over. *** ### *** The world around her, such as it was, was beginning to break apart. Ranma-chan first noticed a fuzziness in the distance, as details blurred and faded into the void. Though silent, Ranma-chan could almost believe that the landscape was breaking up into large, angry swarms of bees, buzzing madly about. Whatever it was, it did not look good, and it was coming closer. "Oh shit," said Ranma-chan - "Gotta get to the top, NOW." She looked sadly toward the top of the cliff, just sixteen or so meters above her. "But I'm so tired... very tired." Sighing, she reached for the next handhold. Ranma-chan looked down, towards the bottom of the cliff. Once bottomless, the cliff now disappeared into a roiling grey vortex - Ranma-chan almost fell as a chunk of the cliff came away in her hand. The stone fell noiselessly to be swallowed by the vortex. Ranma-chan thought to herself. To sleep, perchance to dream... "To be, or not to be..." Ranma-chan thought. The more Ranma-chan thought about it, the less attractive that option sounded. Never again to see one of Akane's all too rare smiles; never again to taste Shampoo's special ramen, or Ucchan's okonomiyaki; never again to hear any of them laugh, or cry; never again to know the simple pleasure of a good workout... "To be, I think," said Ranma-chan, as she resumed her climb with added intensity. If she had to be stuck with three iinazuke, she would have to deal with that. As bad as her problems sometimes seemed, they could certainly be worse. Even with the curse, she had just about everything she truly wanted. Indeed, her real problem was not what she *didn't* have, but that she had too much. Looking at it that way, it seemed silly to complain. When Ranma-chan had made it up almost eight meters, she looked back down the cliff. She was no further from the all consuming vortex - in fact, it looked like the vortex was gaining on her. Ranma- chan swallowed hard and redoubled her efforts. Where there were no hand holds, she made them, punching holes in the rock where necessary to obtain purchase. Using the last of her strength, Ranma- chan fairly shot up the cliff face. *** ### *** In Ranma's room at the Nerima Medical Centre - Ukyou, Shampoo and Akane were sitting quietly, maintaining their vigil. Ukyou was reading a copy of "Kinen Hi". Akane was knitting (trying to knit) something, producing a shapeless but relatively tangle-less mass, and Shampoo was reading an ancient Chinese alchemical text. Ukyou was the first to notice that the rhythm of Ran-chan's cardiac monitor was starting to fluctuate. She was by Ranma's bedside in a flash, holding his hand and slapping the comswitch to summon the nurses. Akane and Shampoo joined her in short order. The three of them were hovering anxiously over Ranma as they waited for the nurses to arrive. Was this it? The doctors had told them that when a change came, that would be the critical time. Would Ranma live, or was this the end? Each of them wanted very badly for him to get better, and an almost tangible expectation filled the air, like a charge of static electricity. The cardiac monitor's rhythm was no longer regular, but seemed to come in fits and starts. Somewhere on the console behind the bed, an alarm began to shrill. Ranma's breathing started to get faster and shallower, echoing the increase in pace from the cardiac monitor. A low moan escaped him, and the hand that Ukyou held twitched briefly. On the monitor panel, a number of lights went from green, to amber to red. Ranma took one more deep, shuddering breath, and was still. A second alarm rang out as the cardiac monitor stopped registering, displaying only a flat line. *** ### *** Time was running out. Ranma-chan had made it to the top of the cliff ahead of the vortex, but not by more than a few minutes. If she didn't get out of here soon, she was lost. When she clambered over the lip of the cliff, she almost fell back again at the sight that greeted her. The landscape that stretched before her now was one that she knew well. She had visited it often enough in her dreams - and in her nightmares. She had even visited it once in person, and on that fateful day, her entire world had been ripped inside out. The plateau was covered with small ponds, hundreds of them, stretching as far as the eye could see. Bamboo poles rose seemingly at random from the ponds, and the ground in between. To one side, she could see the remains of a thatch hut that had long since fallen to the vagaries of time. Jyusenkyou. "No..." she said softly. "Not this... not again..." Numbly, she advanced to the first of the cursed springs. Looking into the water, ahe could just see her own reflection. However, it was partially obscured by another reflection, superimposed over her own. A duck stared back at her. Yahzu niichuan. One by one, Ranma-chan began to check the pools, looking for some clue, some inspiration to tell her what she had to do next. Pool after pool showed her a reflection, but none of them gave her any ideas. She found the spring of drowned wombat, the spring of drowned monkey and the spring of drowned bandicoot. She even found the spring of drowned pig. Another spring showed her the reflection of a nameless tentacled horror that she was sure would be haunting her nightmares for years to come. The sheer, malignant evil that radiated from the spring was all but tangible. She looked into another spring, and jumped back instinctively from the reflection staring back at her. Mao niichuan. Spring of drowned cat. She was so startled that she came within a hairsbreadth of falling into the spring behind her. When she turned to look into it, her father was staring back at her. Of course, it wasn't really her father; it was Shon-mao niichuan, the spring of drowned panda. Still, Ranma-chan could not shake the sense that there was accusation in the panda's stare. A breeze ruffled the sleeves of Ranma-chan's shirt as she stared morosely at the panda's image. There was still no sound, just the sense of moving air, and the realization that she was running out of time. Looking up, she saw that the horizon was starting to blur and melt, like a water-colour picture left out in the rain. Before long, this world would be gone, and unless she managed to escape, she would be gone with it. But how? An answer came in a flash of intuition. She just had to find the right pool before it was too late. Frantically, she renewed her search. It had to be around here somewhere! She just hoped that it was nearby, and not among the pools that were dissolving in the distance, even as she watched. Finally she reached a pool whose reflection stopped her dead in her tracks. The face that stared out of the pool at her was her own. Not the one that she was wearing now, but her *real* face; the face of Ranma the boy. She had found it. At long last, she had found the Nan niichuan, spring of drowned boy. Ranma-chan exulted. Ranma-chan readied herself, and, taking a deep breath, leapt into the pool. Before she hit the surface, she knew that she had made the wrong choice. In a panic, she grabbed for the bamboo pole that rose from the waters of the Nan niichuan and swung herself back toward the ground. For a second, she didn't think that she was going to make it, but, to her immense relief, she came down on dry ground. It was hard, but dry. Ranma-chan would have been hard pressed to say exactly how she had known that this was the wrong pool. A wave of sensations had washed over her as she dove - a combination of images that her mind was still trying to sort out. There had been a sense of peace, and quiet, the likes of which she had never known, and the warm, rich scent of freshly dug earth. But there had been a cold - a bone chilling cold that had pierced her to the very core. Instinct had taken over from there. Ranma-chan got wearily to her feet. She knew now, or thought she did anyway, which pool she had to find. If it still existed here. She began to search again. She headed back the way she had come - the one she wanted had been near the panda's spring, but there had been so many, and she had been in such a hurry, that she could no longer remember where it was. Just as she was beginning to lose hope, inspiration struck. On a hunch, she stopped and looked around at the fading landscape. All around her, the nothingness was advancing, closing in on her even as she watched. Except... no, it was not closing on *her*, but a point just over... THERE. Ranma-chan ran for the center of the safe zone as fast as she could. She had to be right. There was no more time, if she was not. Ranma-chan stopped at the pool in the centre of a rapidly shrinking oasis in the chaos. Looking into its depths, she was relieved to see that it showed her only one reflection. Her own. HER own. she thought to herself. For the second time, Ranma plunged into the Nyan niichuan, spring of drowned girl. The pain was incredible. Ranma-chan could feel herself stiffening as if paralysed, a searing agony burning its way across her chest as she sank, and darkness claimed her. she thought. And there was nothing. *** ### *** Ukyou felt helpless - Ranma was dying before her eyes, and she could do nothing to stop it. It wasn't fair! He had made it through so much! By whatever miracles, he had survived the accident, the surgery, ten days in a coma - Dammit, it just couldn't end like this! She couldn't lose him again! Not like this! Shampoo just stood in shocked silence, staring at Ranma's still form. The shrilling of the alarms, the choked sobs from Akane and Ukyou, she heard none of them. With every fiber of her being she prayed to whatever gods might be listening; Let Ranma Live. Akane saw the look in Ukyou's eyes and felt her heart in her throat. Ranma was dead. It didn't seem real. This couldn't be happening! This wasn't the way the story was supposed to end! Akane did what she did best when feeling helpless. She got angry. "Damn you, Ranma," she sobbed, "If you die now, I'll... I'll... I'll never speak to you again!" Ukyou and Shampoo turned to stare at Akane, who was staring at the floor in acute embarrassment. It wasn't until Ukyou felt Ranma squeeze her hand that any of them noticed the cardiac monitor was once more reading a pulse. *** ### *** Ranma drifted back into consciousness feeling uncomfortably like a pin-cushion. Attempts to move met with little or no success, and his whole body felt like it was under a couple of tons of stone. he thought to himself. Finally, Ranma managed to open his eyes, just a bit. He was greeted with a blur of light, partially masked by the three darker blurs hovering over him. After a moment, he blinked, and the world slowly began to come into focus. The first sounds that he was conscious of hearing were ragged gasps, as if someone had been holding their breath for too long. There were voices, but he was having trouble getting a lock on what was being said, and he had no idea who was saying it. As time passed and more of his surroundings began to register on his consciousness, the voices resolved into recognizable patterns. Ukyou Voice: "Ran-chan! Ran-chan! Oh, thank god!" Shampoo Voice: "Haiyaah! Shampoo so happy!" Akane Voice: "Ranma!" then more softly, "Ranma... I'm sorry." Gradually, as his vision cleared, Ranma could make out three very worried looking faces staring back down at him. "Where... where am I...?" he managed at last. His voice was little more than a whisper. The only answer he got right away was the relieved sobbing of three very tired girls, as a week's worth of pent-up emotions broke free. Before Ranma could work up to another question, a small army of doctors and nurses came in, and moving the girls gently out of the way, began to make checks on their newly awakened patient. *** ### *** END PART FIVE OF SIX PART SIX OF SIX *** ### *** Ukyou, Akane and Shampoo stood watching anxiously as the phalanx of doctors poked and prodded at Ranma, eliciting occasional pained squawks and an odd yelp or two. The doctors were muttering quietly among themselves, and issuing instructions to various nurse type persons who were standing ready to assist. None of the girls could make out a word of what was being said. Finally, one of the doctors took pity on them and came over to explain what was going on. As he approached, the others gathered their tools and left, with the exception of one nurse who was wielding a couple of wicked looking hypodermics. Before the doctor could even open his mouth, he was met with a torrent of questions from the anxious girls. Finally, he held up his hands in surrender. "Please, please..." he said. "Let me talk, then I'll try to answer your questions... at a time," he added. Chastened, the girls waited to hear what the doctor had to say. "First of all," he began, "As you have already noticed, Ranma is out of his coma. Unless there is a drastic change in the next twenty four hours or so, I feel safe in saying that he is out of immediate danger." The relieved sighs that greeted that news made the doctor smile. "Furthermore, while we will have to do some tests to be sure, there does not appear to be any brain damage or memory loss. At this point, we expect Ranma to make a full recovery just as fast as his body can heal itself. He is a remarkable young man. Now, are there any questions?" Ukyou was first. "Sensei," she asked, "We will be allowed to stay with him, won't we?" "I don't see any reason why not. As long as the patient doesn't object." Akane was next. "When will Ranma be able to come home?" she asked. "Well, we will want to keep him under observation for a while, but he can probably go by the end of a week or ten days. Will that be soon enough for you?" "Hai!" answered Akane. "Arigatou!" Not to be left out, Shampoo also had a question. "When you let Ranma have real foods again? Shampoo want make special ramen for him! No can feel better eating hospital food. Yuck!" The doctor had to smile again at that. "He should be on solid food again after three or four days. Talk to me then, and I'll outline his dietary restrictions, until he is well, ne?" "Haiyaah!" said Shampoo. "One last thing. Don't be surprised if Ranma sleeps a lot during the next few days. His body has been through a lot, and it will take most of his energy to heal. It's perfectly normal in cases like this. I'll go now, but I'll be back to check on all of you later." As the doctor left the room, Ukyou, Shampoo and Akane gathered around Ranma's bed. Ranma looked up at them and grinned drowsily. "What happened? Did we win? You girls look terrible." "You don't look so hot yourself, Ran-chan." sniffed Ukyou happily. Ranma looked at Akane, and his expression sobered. "Akane," he said, "I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you..." Ranma's eyes started to close despite his best efforts to keep them open. He was trying to stay awake, but he simply didn't have the energy. "Never... never wanted to hurt... hurt any of you..." and then Ranma fell silent. "I know, Ranma..." said Akane softly, "We know." *** ### *** Ranma's recovery was incredibly rapid. The doctors were continually amazed at the rate at which his body healed itself. Bruises which would have remained on any normal person for weeks were already starting to fade. Surgical scars were changing to become little more than angry pink lines. Swelling and inflammation would go down almost fast enough to watch. All in all, the doctors were highly pleased with the results. One or two of them were even muttering things about blood tests, and patentable serums from time to time. When Akane and Ukyou told them some of the things that Ranma had been through in the course of his training, they almost wouldn't believe them. One of the doctors expressed the opinion that Ranma just could not be human. *** ### *** Once news of Ranma's improving condition got around, the visits started. Genma came by to visit his son with a teary eyed Soun in tow. For some reason that he could no put his finger on, Ranma was intensely relieved to see his father. Soun looked like he might say something when he saw that Ukyou and Shampoo were there, but a glare from Akane silenced him. Neither of them would shut up about how happy they were to see that the Saotome/Tendou alliance was secure. Dr. Tofu dropped in to see his most regular patient, and to check on his progress. He was quite pleased with Ranma's rate of recovery. Fortunately for Ranma, Tofu had already left when Kasumi stopped in. Even Nabiki managed to drop by... "After all," she said. "I'd hate to lose my primary source of income! In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I couldn't afford it." She paused and looked briefly at her younger sister, working on her knitting. She lowered her voice. "I really wouldn't want to see anything happen to you, Ranma." Nabiki's point was made when Kunou came by for a visit. Ranma didn't really feel like dealing with him just yet, but Kunou was insistent. He had a ticket, he claimed, sold to him by Tendou Nabiki. He had paid dearly for it, and he meant to use it. Ranma finally decided that the fastest way to get rid of him was to let him in. Kunou swept into the room with his usual egotistical flair. Once more, Ranma wondered how he got his head through the doors. Kunou glared down at his rival for a long moment before speaking. "So... you will live after all. Truly, Saotome, the Gods have been merciful with you." Kunou paused for a beat, staring out into space. "Akane said that if you were to die, the pig-tailed one would also wither..." Ranma looked meaningfully at Akane, who grinned back at him. Ranma scowled. Kunou looked grave. "I know not what your hold on her might be, Saotome, but know ye this; I Kunou Tatewaki vow that it shall be broken! I shall free her from your evil magic if it is the last thing that I do!" Ranma rolled his eyes. The idiot still just didn't get it. After Kunou stalked out of the room, he leaned over toward Akane and said, "Akane, do me a favour, please?" Akane nodded expectantly. "Make sure that Nabiki knows that if she sells a ticket to Kodachi... I will strangle her." Akane stuck her tongue out at him, but she was still grinning. *** ### *** Ranma was elated when the Doctor told him that he could have solid food again. Then he remembered where he was, and his enthusiasm for the idea waned considerably. He had never heard anything good about hospital food. He imagined that it might even be almost as bad as Akane's cooking, but for once he was smart enough not to say anything. When mealtime came, Ranma was a bit apprehensive, but the nurses with dinner trays passed his room without so much as slowing down. Ranma was a little confused. He distinctly remembered the doctor saying that he was to have real food today. He was still pondering this anomaly when a cart came trundling into the room, but this one was being pushed by Shampoo. He looked up curiously. Shampoo smiled and lifted the lid from the first tray on her cart. The smell of hot ramen hit Ranma like one of Shampoo's bonbori - his mouth began to water and his stomach growled. Shampoo set the tray in front of him with a flourish, handed him a small towel and some chopsticks, and stepped back looking rather smug. Ranma looked at her in amazement. "You cooked this Shampoo?" he asked. Shampoo nodded. "Doctor say you no have to eat hospital food. Eat Shampoo food instead. He say you strong enough for ramen today, maybe more tomorrow." Ranma's effusive thanks were somewhat muffled. It is difficult to speak clearly with your mouth full. Shampoo just smiled and handed the others their food. *** ### *** The next morning was to mark another milestone in Ranma's recovery. For the first time since his mangled body had been rushed to the medical centre, Ranma was going to be allowed to stand up and try to walk. Akane had agreed to assist and was lecturing the patient ("Now *there's* a misnomer," Ukyou had observed) on what the doctors had told her to expect. "Remember, Ranma," she was saying, "the doctor said that this is going to be hard for you at first - you've been through a lot, and you've been unconscious for a week - don't expect to jump right up, okay?" Ranma rolled his eyes and looked impatient. "Can we get on with this please, *nurse*?" he asked. Akane bristled. "Ranma, you're tough but you're not indestructible, you know." "Feh." said Ranma. "You spend a couple of weeks in bed and see how patient *you* are." He tossed back the covers and sat up. A wave of dizziness washed over him, but it passed quickly. "See?" Akane said. "Please, be careful!" "Feh." said Ranma again. He hopped gracefully to his feet and stood there smirking at Akane. The smirk faded rapidly as Ranma went a funny grey colour and started to waver. He flailed once and pitched forward - right into Akane's outstretched arms. She held him until he started to regain his balance. "Baka." she said gently. Ranma opened his mouth to issue his stock response, but bit it back. There had been a warm tone to Akane's voice that he had quite liked. He looked into her eyes and found himself growing dizzy again. She held him until it passed and he was once more able to stand on his own. His irritation dissolved and he smiled uncertainly. "Arigatou, Akane..." Akane grinned at him and took a step back. "C'mon, now!" she said, laughter in her voice. "No slacking off!" Ranma grinned back and stepped cautiously to follow. *** ### *** The day he walked again, there was Ucchan's okonomiyaki for dinner. Ranma ate like a man possessed, much to Ukyou's delight. There was certainly nothing wrong with Ranma's appetite, and the doctors all agreed that this was further evidence that the patient was making excellent progress. The mood had shifted in the past few days from apprehensive to celebratory. *** ### *** Ranma was working hard to restore his system to a daily exercise regimen, and the harder he pushed himself, the better he felt. He was the only one who was not entirely satisfied with his progress, even though it had only been a couple of days between those first tentative steps and his current jogging regimen through the hospital corridors and his workouts in the exercise rooms. The evenings were a joy for Ranma. After a good day's workout, he really enjoyed laying back and listening to Ukyou read him one of her books, just talking quietly with one or more of the girls, or even listening as the girls talked among themselves. In fact, he had decided that this past week had been one of the most pleasant in recent memory. It amazed him that all three of his iinazuke had been together for so long with so little friction. he thought to himself. That was not to say that everything had gone smoothly all of the time. At one point there had been an argument between Akane and Shampoo that Ranma had been afraid might come to blows. Ranma had groaned loudly and both girls had been instantly at his side, their own disagreement forgotten. Ranma made it a point to enjoy the calm while it lasted. *** ### *** Late in the afternoon on the day before Ranma was scheduled for release, a nurse came into the room carrying a tray full of small bottles, a bowl and sponge, and a large pitcher of water. She chased the girls out. There were a few tests that she had instructions to perform, she said, and some medications for Ranma to take. Besides, it was time for the patient's bath. Iinazuke or not, it would not have been proper for them to stay in the room. The girls agreed to wait outside, but under mild protest. As they left the room, Ranma was protesting loudly that he didn't need to be tested, he didn't want any medicine, thankyou, that he could *certainly* bathe himself, and would she please just leave him the hell alone? They headed to the lounge opposite the nurses' station to wait. Ukyou sat down with her book while Akane resumed her knitting. She was working on a scarf this time, and so far, she hadn't had one tangle, or dropped a single stitch. Shampoo decided that she would go back to the Nekohanten and bring back dinner for the lot of them. Ranma's appetite of late had been particularly good. They had just been waiting for a few moments when a scream echoed down the corridor from the direction of Ranma's room. Akane and Ukyou looked at each other, and then looked down the hall. As they watched, Ranma's door flew open, and a very pale nurse went tearing down the hallway, still screaming at the top of her lungs. Ukyou blinked and leaned over to Akane. "What do you bet she dumped that pitcher on him?" she asked in a stage whisper. Akane could only nod. Akane trotted off to find some hot water while Ukyou looked in on a damp and angry Ranma-chan. "Looks like things are about back to normal!" she said. Ranma-chan just glared. *** ### *** Finally, the day had come that Ranma would be going home. He was glad to be leaving the Medical Centre, but in a way, he was sad to see the week end. It had been so peaceful. Ranma was sure that he could get used to peace like that. Still, the price as marked was way too high. There would be no regrets. He just hoped that he could manage to keep his relationships from backsliding into quite so deep a mess as they had previously been. He knew that he was going to have to work on being more patient, and more understanding. If that was what it took to make Akane smile more often, then he was going to give it a try. Akane had been to the dojo and returned with some clothes for him to wear home. She had brought slacks and shoes, and one of his favourite shirts. She had been unable to find any of his shorts, so she had actually stopped and bought him a pair of new boxers. It had taken all of Ranma's self control to just smile and thank her when he had seen them. Little hearts! Really! A guy just didn't wear things like that! Still, it wasn't like anyone was going to see them, and it had been a very nice gesture on her part. And for once, he had managed not to spoil it. Things were definitely looking up. Ranma lay in his bed and watched as his iinazuke packed their things in preparation for their departure. After they were packed, he would dress, and they would all walk back to the dojo together. Rumor had it that there was a party planned that evening, and Ranma was not sure whether to look forward to it, or to worry that it might go nuclear. Shampoo and Akane finished their packing first, and headed for the lounge area across from the nurse's station to wait. Ukyou finished packing the last of her things and flashed Ranma a grin as she too headed for the lounge. Before she got to the door, though, Ranma called her back. "Ucchan, chotto matte, kudasai." Ukyou set her pack down and sat down on the bed next to Ranma. She looked at him curiously, waiting to see what he wanted. Ranma dropped his voice, and looked furtively about - almost as if he were afraid that someone else might hear what he had to say. Of course, he just might have been afraid of that very thing. "Ucchan, do you remember what we were talking about at your shop just before I got hit? About whether or not I loved Akane?" Ukyou nodded. She remembered that particular conversation *very* well. "I've been thinking about that alot over the past few days. I think... I think that maybe I might... It doesn't make any sense. She can be so... so frustrating at times, but when I see her smile it makes all of that go away. She really is cute when she smiles, you know..." Ukyou was trying hard to keep a neutral expression. There was a great, hard knot forming in the pit of her stomach. Her dreams were all coming crashing down around her ears, but at the same time, she was here now, hearing these... these *terrible* secrets, because Ranma *trusted* her. Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded for Ranma to continue. "Of course," said Ranma jokingly, "If you tell her any of this, I'll deny it." Ukyou managed a wan smile at that. "Don't worry, Ran-chan... your secret is safe with me." Ranma's expression sobered. "I know it is, Ucchan. You always have been the friend that I could count on." Ukyou started to get up. "I better go join the others, I guess..." she began. Ranma grabbed her wrist before she could really move. "Please, Ucchan... wait. There's more that I want... no, more that I *need* to say to you." Ukyou looked mildly uncomfortable, but nodded, and made no further move to leave. Ranma paused for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "You of all people know just how much grief Pop has caused me with this whole marriage business..." Ukyou nodded again. She did indeed. "Well, the problem is more complicated than that... Y'see, I've also been thinking a lot about the other question that you asked me... If I thought it was *important* that I love the person that I was going to marry." thought Ukyou. "Just suppose for a minute that I *did* love Akane enough to marry her... Pop would be happy, Mr. Tendou would be happy, Akane might be happy, or she might not. She would have to love me too, wouldn't she? I mean isn't it just as important that the person I marry loves me too?" "Well, yes... I suppose so..." Ukyou conceded... "But you see? I don't know if Akane loves me or not. Heck, most of the time I don't think she even likes me - let alone loves me. Then if I married her, I'd be making her miserable... and I don't want to do that..." Ukyou thought about telling Ranma about the conversations that she had held with Akane while he was still in his coma - but decided that it was not her place to betray Akane's confidence anymore than she would betray Ranma's. Besides - Akane had been no more definite in her feelings than Ranma had. Best not to meddle. "On the other hand, there's the matter of honour." Ranma continued. "All three of you are each sure that your own claim is the most valid, and I don't know who's right! The Tendou claim is the oldest, so old man Tendou is sure that Akane's is the true engagement." Ranma paused to catch his breath and take a very *careful* sip of water. "Then there's Shampoo... According to the laws of her tribe, she and I are already married. The only thing saving me there is that we're in Japan, not China." Ukyou nodded again, still not trusting herself to speak, or knowing what she would say if she did. "That leaves you, Ucchan." Ranma paused for a moment, choosing his words with care. "When your dad made that deal with Pop for us to marry, he put up his yattai as the dowry... and Pop *took* it. For honour to be satisfied, I *have* to marry you, too!" thought Ukyou in a detached fashion. "You see, Ucchan? Without even considering love, I can't win. If I marry one to satisfy honour, then honour is lost on the other two. Love just makes it worse. I mean I think that I might love Akane, but what really, is love?" "What do you mean?" Love is... well... love." "Uh huh," said Ranma. "Now you see. I've heard all the things that love is supposed to be... You know, if you love someone then you want to be near them, you want to protect them, you want them to be happy and all of that. And of course, when they are happy, you're supposed to feel good, and if they're hurt, you feel bad." "So? That seems pretty straight forward to me." said Ukyou. "Does it?" asked Ranma. "Where does friendship end, and love begin? Ucchan, when I was six, you were my best friend. Back then I didn't even know that you were a girl! But I felt that way about you then, and I do now." Ukyou's head snapped up. "Na... nani?!" "Y'see? No matter who I marry, someone that I care about gets hurt. And I don't have any idea what to do about it." Ranma looked off into the distance for a moment. "What are you saying, Ran-chan?" Ranma sighed. "You know, I was talking to the head nurse the other day." The change in topic caught Ukyou off guard. "You were?" "Yep. She told me that when they first brought me in here, you were here waiting. That you've stayed with me the whole time I've been here." Ukyou looked embarrassed. "Well..." "I'm not very good at this sort of thing, you know. I don't talk much about how I feel because, well... it's just not something guys do. Besides that, a lot of the time I'm not even sure what my feelings *are*. But it meant a lot to me, Ucchan. It means a lot to know that you were here for me - when I needed you most." "Sometimes, I think that I'm worse than Kunou. He tears himself apart, not being able to choose between Akane and his 'pig-tailed girl'... Am I any different?" "Well, for one thing, Ran-chan, all of us *want* you. Can Kunou say that?" "That's supposed to make it easier, is it?" Ranma smiled sadly and squeezed Ukyou's hand. "If I choose, I hurt people that I care about. If I *don't* choose, I hurt people that I care about. That's a tough game to win. The only safe move right now, is not to play." "I can wait." said Ukyou. Ranma looked hard at her. "For how long? This is one decision that I'm in no hurry to make, for many obvious reasons. If you girls were smart, you'd find someone else. You'd all be a lot happier." "I guess that none of us are too bright, ne?" Ranma winced, but Ukyou had been smiling as she said it. "Someday... someday I'll *have* to decide. That day is a long way off, I hope, but it *will* come. When it does..." Ranma glanced meaningfully in the direction that Akane and Shampoo had taken a few minutes earlier, "When it does, there is likely to be one major Dirty Pair event." He sighed and looked up at Ukyou. "Ucchan, please. Try... try to find someone else. Someone that can be fair to you." Ukyou's expression was unreadable. "Is that... is that what you really want, Ran-chan?" she asked in a small voice. "What I want," Ranma said gently, "is for you to be happy. I can't promise that I'll be able to give you what you want." "I'm willing to take my chances." "Is that your final word?" Ukyou nodded. "I was afraid of that. Now I'm stuck for sure," sighed Ranma. "Is that really so bad, Ran-chan?" Ranma gave her a small smile. "I suppose it could be worse." "So what are you going to do now?" "Do? What *can* I do? I still don't have any answers. I still don't really know how I feel about Akane or what will happen tomorrow. What I *do* know is that you were here for me, and that you always have been. I know that you're my best friend; perhaps the only real friend I've ever had." "No matter what the future holds, no matter who I marry, I just want you to know..." Ranma paused and took a deep breath. "I just want you to know that I... that I... that if I were to marry you, I know at least that I would be marrying someone I loved. God help you." As Ranma fell back onto his pillow, Ukyou let out the breath that she didn't realize she had been holding. A smile as bright as the sun lit her face. At last she knew - knew that Ranma knew how she felt, and that he loved her too. She knew that it didn't mean that they would marry, but it was a good start. After a moment, she sobered a bit, and looked down at him. "You realize, of course, that nothing has changed. You still have three iinazuke. You still have your curse, and you still have to deal with the likes of Kunou and Happousai. Your life is still a mess. Once you leave this room, it's going to be business as usual." Ranma smiled back tiredly. "I know. Just do me one favour, okay?" "Name it." "Don't let Akane see you grinning like that... This is a nice place and all, but I have no desire to return any time soon." Ukyou's smile widened for a moment before she adopted a more serious expression. The smile didn't leave her eyes, though. She hugged him. "Welcome home, Ran-chan. Welcome home." EOF Please send any comments, suggestions, etc to one of the following addresses: -E-mail- -Snail Mail- c/o Anime-Niacs PO Box 158392 Nashville, TN 37215-8392 USA *** ### *** Author's Notes: This is the first fanfic that Zen actually started, and the first that he has actually finished. The next one is already half done, but there is no telling how long it will take. In fact, there are no fewer than half a dozen in process... >_< Zen hopes that you enjoyed it. Zen found writing it... entertaining. A few notes for you continuity cops out there: The story takes place sometime before volume 36 of the manga, where Nodoka finds out about Ranma's curse. In Zen's fics, Nodoka still does not know. In fact, as far as Zen is concerned, the last four volumes of the manga *never happened*. (Zen has them, Zen enjoyed reading them, but then, Zen also has a copy of Star Trek V) "Ranma-chan" is used in the narrative to refer to Ranma's female form. NO ONE in Zen's fics uses it as a means of addressing Ranma except for Happousai. When another character refers to Ranma, they always say Ranma, they always address her as Ranma, Ranma refers to herself as Ranma. Only the narrator uses Ranma-chan. If you catch Zen in an error here, please point it out. Thanks. Zen would also like to apologize formally to Shimazu Saeko, the Seiyuu that gives Kodachi her ahh... *distinctive* voice. Zen never has been able to pass up a straight line. (Zen has never been able to forget that laugh, either.) Zen wishes to thank Richard Lawson and Sebastian Weinberg, who graciously volunteered to wade through this muck first, and pointed out a number of pits that needed to be filled before opening the fic to the general public. They were also responsible for the elimination of a few bits that *never* should have seen the light of a computer monitor. It would have been a LOT worse without their help and encouragement. ^_^ Zen suggests that you read their fics, if you haven't already. They are both much better writers than Zen. Richard's can be found at: and Sebastian's can be found at: Please forgive Zen for his pro-Ukyou bias. Akane fans can console themselves with the knowledge that after this story, her chances are still pretty good. She may not fare so well in the next one. ^_^ END PART SIX OF SIX END OF FILE